
90. Wake up


I have no idea how I find myself in such a situation where I have to stay behind and watch him put his life in danger. I looked down at the unconscious woman in my arms and shook my head, because I could totally understand Antonio’s emotions, which was the reason why I wanted to go after him.

Turning around, I opened the back door of the car and settled Erica inside. I fucking need a vacation or maybe I should just resign and be done with it. The sound of a car approaching alerted me of company, I slipped my hand to my gun as I turned around, only relaxing when I saw Raphael with Mac and other two bodyguards that were with Jonathan.

“Took you long enough,” I gritted out in irritation.

“Are they okay? Where is she?” Raphael questioned ignoring my comment.

I gestured at the car as I stepped back, letting him see Erica. “Look for yourself. I’m leaving.”

“Where are you going? And where is Gabriel?”

I barely controlled myself from punching him in his aristocratic face as I bi
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Comments (15)
goodnovel comment avatar
Maureen O Hara
That’s who I’m worried for hun
goodnovel comment avatar
nagasree garapati
I know from other book Gabe will be fine . but I am worried about Antonio ...
goodnovel comment avatar
nagasree garapati
Epriham should definitely take a break from this craziness ... I hope he is not paired with Gianna after all this ...

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