
98. He is married


I have never let anything control my life. Never became obsessed with something so deeply that now it was like an addiction that I needed to survive. But right now I felt like one, an addict. And all because of one person, a woman who came into my life and upended everything. I didn't want to even think her name of, I had refrained from it for my own sanity. For some reason it felt necessary to not say her name even in my own mind. Her memories already pained me enough that even bottles of scotch hasn’t helped in erasing it.

“Antonio, you haven't eaten anything.”

I looked up from my fifth or maybe it was sixth glass of scotch to look at Yuri. We were at his house with a home cooked meal between us. I had only half listened to his plans for the redevelopment of the warehouse and building a new one because no matter how fucking hard I tried I couldn’t push her out of my mind. I couldn't forget our last night together, the way she had clung to me and had given into my demands. Sh
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Comments (29)
goodnovel comment avatar
Alison Eardley
Do your books come in paperback? X
goodnovel comment avatar
Annabelle Fuentes
see? you said you'll not allow her leave you. but she didn't actually and you're not doing anything.
goodnovel comment avatar
Sandra Willson
So Antonio never meant any of the times he said he would never let her go and that he would go after Erica? He gave up pretty quickly.

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