
Trapped by the Billionaire beast
Trapped by the Billionaire beast
Author: Maginator

CHAPTER-1 : The worst betrayal

Two pink stripes mean positive.

Helena kept staring at the pregnancy test in her hand and her eyes welled up with tears. She was crying and smiling at the same time not believing she had a small life inside her.

Her happiness couldn't be defined in words at this moment. She figured it out when her menstruation was missed for the last two months. But now she was sure of it. Helena placed her hand on her flat belly and sighed. The dream of a beautiful future welcomed her vision.

Enthusiastically, Helena left early from her business trip to go back to her fiance. She was going to surprise him with happy news today itself. It was almost a three-hour flight but it felt like an eternity to her.

Nonetheless, the moment she reached Milan, Helena didn't waste a second, she hired a cab and directly went to meet Elijah in his office.

She smiled at everyone who greeted her on the way. Her happiness was shining in her eyes as she reached the CEO’s cabin on the twenty-first floor.

“Miss Gelati, you can't go in!”

Helena narrowed her eyes at the bulky bodyguard of her fiance. “I didn't come to the office for a week and you forget who I am?” She sighed, not wanting to spoil her mood. “I am his fiancee, Gevin. I don't need yours or anyone else’s permission to enter his office. Step away, I want to see him right now,” Helena said, trying to surpass him but Gevin kept blocking her way.

“I apologise, Miss Gelati but the Boss is in an important meeting. He ordered me not to disturb him at any cost, so I can't allow you.” Gevin said, grabbing her arm to stop her from opening the door but Helena jerked his hand away. “Don't stop me if you want your position intact!” She warned him, throwing him an irritating look and composed herself before excitedly opening the door with a smile.

“Surpri…” Helena froze, the word died on her lips as she watched the horrible scene in front of her which numbed her mind to react in any way.

Her fiance was standing behind her half-sister Victoria who was on all fours on the table while he was holding her hips with his pants down to his knees ready to pound on her but stopped seeing Helena.

Helena forgot to blink, unable to decipher anything. Suddenly, The happiest moment of her life turned into the worst nightmare.

Elijah and Victoria were also dumbfounded seeing her there. “Helly, you..You were returning after two days!” Elijah hesitated before he cleared his throat and got away from Victoria, pulling his pants up. However, Victoria openly smirked seeing her there.

That look of pride infuriated Helena to the core. She and her step-sister never liked each other but she never thought Victoria could stoop this low, stealing and seducing her fiance.

And Elijah, this cheating bastard! He promised her love and loyalty. This was how he was showcasing them to her.

“It's not what you are thinking. Let me explain,” He carefully said, his eyes were alarmed as he observed how Helena clasped the doorknob tightly and watched Victoria getting dressed up. Still so proud!

“Helly, Are you listening to me, Sweetheart?” Helena inhaled sharply when she felt his hand on her arm. It felt as if a snake had bitten her skin. She finally snatched her gaze from her abhorrent half-sister and looked into the blue eyes of the man who claimed to love her the most in this world.

Wild fury ran through her body but she nodded at him slowly, “I would like to hear your explanation!” She whispered tightly, meeting his eyes. “Explain!”

Leaving the doorknob she stepped up to him. “Explain, you bastard!” Helena yelled, pushing him hard in the chest.

Elijah Rossi clenched his jaws at her snappy action and raised his hand. “Calm down and listen to me, It was just sex, Helena it meant nothing.”

Helena stiffened, she couldn't believe her ears. Was this the same man she fell in love with? She looked at him in disbelief like he cracked the most ridiculous joke. That bastard had no shame and Helena couldn't stop herself from raising her hand and slapping his disgusting face.

Elijah's face turned to the other side with the impact of the strike. “Just sex! How could you say that without any remorse? Do you have any shame? How can you mock my love and honour like this!” She cried and attacked his chest with both her hands. She went into a heated rage. She was pregnant with his child and he was cheating on her. Her life became a joke in the mere moment today.

“How could you do this to me, how?” She screamed and tried to slap his face again.

“Stop it!” Elijah yelled, grabbing her hands and shoved Helena away from himself roughly. A startled cry left her throat as she lost her balance and fell hard against the door. Her hand went to her belly protectively, evoking worry for her baby in her heart.

“I don't give a fuck about you or your love. Never had! I love Victoria, not you!” He shouted and the world around Helena Snapped. Victoria walked up to Elijah and stood beside him, wrapping her arm against his smiling Proudly.

“He doesn't want you, Helena. He wants me,”

Helena was dumbfounded, she couldn't decipher how her life came to this abrupt ugly hole. But then her heart came to her throat as she thought about the baby in her womb.

“We planned children together, Elijah?” the words left her mouth before she could stop them.

And Elijah laughed. He laughed like crazy. His whore of secretary joined him too before straightening up and looking at Helena.

“What Children! I don’t want any fucking children with you. All those fucking things were lies. I only wanted the property land your mother left for you, baby. You were not ready to sell it and my father and I wanted it at any cost. So I acted in love with you. I wouldn't have looked at you twice if it was not about that piece of property.”

Helena gasped, The floor slipped beneath Helena’s feet. He was with her for the orphanage land. It was her mother's last gift to Helena, she wanted to open an orphanage there for children. A few months ago her step-mother came with a proposal to sell the land. The buyer was ready to give millions for the land but she denied selling it.

She gave this land to Elijah after he proposed to her because he promised to pass the licence for Orphanage from the government through his father's help.

“You have nothing to attract my attention. Your old-fashioned thoughts and character both are disgusting to me. No man would want a woman like you, Helena. Even sex with you was boring. If felt as if I was fucking a wooden doll.”

Helena’s self-worth was hurt hearing his words. Was he the same man who used to say how he loves her and her personality? “Look at your sister! Every man would want a woman like Victoria. She is fashionable, outgoing, beautiful, not a boring bitch like you!”

Victoria laughed at that and Helena’s blood boiled. She swallowed the wound that Elijah and her step-sister cheated on her but She was not going to let anyone take away her mother's last memory from her.

Elijah pushed Helena towards the door to throw her out of there “Get out of here and my condo. I am tired of your ugly presence there. Fuck off!”

That was the last stone Helena could take. Her vision blurred as tears pooled her eyes but she pushed them back. She was not going to cry in front of them. She spun around with her face burning with rage.

“You think you can get away with this easily?” she gritted out pointing a finger at them both.

“You used me to snatch my mother's land, right? I won't let you have it. I am going to expose your truth to the world, Elijah.”

Elijah snickered. “Go and do whatever you want to do. You can't harm a single hair of mine, Helena. I am Elijah Rossi. Giovanni Rossi’s son! And you know we Rossi’s can make you vanish in seconds!”

Helena’s inside tightened at the threat. She fisted her hands tightly, eyeing both of them who were smiling smugly. “Now get out. I don't want to see your face anymore. Your luggage will be delivered to your father's house. I don't want your unwanted steps in my home again. Out!”

Helena closed her eyes, the shame and humiliation she was feeling at this moment couldn't be described in words. How did she not see his true face? How did she believe his cheesy promises? Helena felt like the biggest idiot in the world. A fool!

But not anymore, she wouldn't be an idiot now. Her baby didn't deserve a pathetic and foolish mother. She was not going to waste anymore time standing there and crying over a relationship which was fake from the beginning.

She nodded at him with an emotionless face. To Helena, Elijah Rossi stopped existing.

She swallowed the disgrace and wiped her tears before leaving for her father's house.

She was going to tell him everything that Victoria and Elijah did to her. She needed his help in getting her mother's property back from Rossis. But Helena was not ready for another shock that would change her life forever.

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