

"I'm really close. " He tells her.

"I'm waiting. " She bites into her lips until she tastes the faint taste of blood.

Keith is no longer hitting the door but she knows that he is not gone, he has probably gone off to find something to break the door.

" Be careful when you get here. " She sighs. " He might be armed. "

" Well, so will i. " He says.

She has hardly finished the conversation when a loud sound that is similar to an explosion leaves her ears ringing with pain.

Splatters of wood fall over her and that's when she scrabbles away from the door. To find a safer place to hide in.

Keith has a fucking gun and he is trying to use it to get the door open. Edna's teeth are chattering with fear, she knows that the moment he gets in here, he won't hesitate to put a bullet in her head.

She scrabbles to the wardrobe and locks herself in it as she desperately tries to stop crying.

"Edna, are you okay?"

" He has a gun, he has a gun. " She cries.

"I'm almost there. You're good. " He
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