

Edna lays on her bed with a piece of tissue crumbled in her fingers. She has been staring into the emptiness in front of her for a long time and that's been her behavior for some days now.

From the very moment, Malik told her that Keith wasn't ready to let her go, that was the beginning of her horror.

Why? What does he still want from her? He has told her, times without number, that he hates her and would kill her if he has the chance so what she doesn't understand is what he still wants from her.

Maybe he just wants her to be his forever, but the thing is that she can't even think of spending the rest of her life as his wife.

She rolls over and lays on her tummy, pain shoots up from her tummy straight to her head, and she winches.

She hasn't eaten for days, and she doesn't have an appetite, but she has been careful so that Malik and Mary won't find out.

How can she eat knowing that Keith is doing everything in his power to make sure that she remains with him? Is she going to be
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