

It looks like a dream to Edna herself but right now she is on a plane to Alabama, back to her parents.

It has been five years, five years of tears and depression and now she is returning back to her parents.

Five million dollars is sitting pretty in her bank account, but she doesn't if she should be happy with that amount. Yes, five million dollars is a lot of money, but is it enough?

She has gone through abuse, she has been depressed, she was raped by her supposed husband and his father exploited her intelligence for years and so maybe five million is not enough.

Edna doesn't take off her glasses even though the plane has been in the air for hours now. Since she has been cut off from her rich father-in-law's family, she is flying business class.

It's a bit uncomfortable, but how can she complain? She knows that her life is going to change drastically and even flights might now become a luxury to her.

"Excuse me, ma'am. " Someone draws her attention.

It's the geeky woman who ha
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