
Chapter 52

POV Samantha

Someone knocked on our door and just like before, Lance hurried to answer it. I heard a murmur of voices that I recognized as Annie and Lance thanked her as he pulled in a book bag and two garment bags and I sat up as he closed the door.

"Annie brought us some clothes. She said that there's new undergarments and shoes in the bag along with some hair and make up stuff. She offered to come help you but I didn't think that you would want her to. I can call her back if you do?" he asked.

"No, I'm good to do it on my own. I want to spend your last hour alive together." I teased and he rolled his eyes.

"Don't kid. They really might kill me." he replied but he had a smile on his face.

"We better get ready. We don't have much time." I said as I got up.

I walked to the bathroom still naked and he eyed me hungrily. I shook my head at him.

"Don't look at me like that. We don't have time." I said.

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goodnovel comment avatar
they are mate troy its normal to mark each other dont be a killjoy ur annoying sometimes...
goodnovel comment avatar
Vicky Moore
Talk about no privacy... not only is your mark open to the public but you can’t even get laid without everybody sniffing your butt and knowing 🤣🤣
goodnovel comment avatar
Victoria Krechting
And Lance lives woohoo

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