
91: Annie's POV

The moment I see Ri'elle I can tell by the look in his eye that he is thinking the same thing that I am, this lightening is not part of the storm. It is part of an attack on the pack. 

"Meet me in my room, in 15 minutes. Bring Micheal and Paula if you see them. No one else yet, I want to talk with just us first." I tell him. 

"Okay, I will see you there. I haven't seen Micheal, but I know where Paula is." Ri'elle says, then she turns and walks away. 

I turn and head back to my room, looking for Micheal as I go. I find him in the hallway headed to the bathroom. I tell him we are planning a meeting in my room in a few minutes and he agrees to come. I also find Ansel along the way and bring him back to my room with me. 

We quickly clean up the floor and clear a space for the five of us to sit on the floor while we talk. After a few minutes the others arrive, Paula has her Amore with her, I don't know him well enough to know if we can

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