
41. The Devil's Delight & Dominion [18+]

William's pov -

I relish the devilish happiness that floods my veins as I lock eyes with Julie, her terrified gaze fixed upon me. The sight of her fear, her vulnerability, stirs a wicked pleasure within me. It is a perverse delight that fills me to the brim, intoxicating me with a malevolence that thrives on her anguish.

I knead her boobs harder. She pleads for mercy, her voice trembling with desperation. "William, please! Have mercy on me. Let me go."

Her words are like sweet music to my ears, fueling the darkness that resides within me. A cruel smile spreads across my face, betraying the sinister delight that consumes me. I revel in the power I hold over her, relishing every moment of her torment.

I tear her shirt and her bare flesh the obstacle of her inner cloth.

I meet her terrified gaze with a sharp and piercing stare. The glint in my eyes is one of pure malice, reflecting the depths of my wicked soul. I savor this opportunity to revel in her suffering, to witness the depths

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