
44. Yearning for Tuberose & The Hidden Identity

Michael's pov -

As I sit in my office, surrounded by stacks of files containing the bank details of the writers we've recently signed, my anticipation grows. The time has come to review their information, to assess their financial credibility. I turn to Jack, my colleague and trusted confidant, and request that he bring me the files.

"Jack, please show me the bank details files," I say, my voice filled with a mix of excitement and curiosity.

Jack nods and retrieves the files, placing them before me on the desk. I eagerly flip through the pages, expecting to find the necessary banking information from each writer. However, my excitement quickly turns to disappointment as I come across Tuberose's file.

To my dismay, I find that Tuberose has only shared her P****l ID. Frustration bubbles up within me, and I can't help but frown. How could she overlook such a crucial detail? I turn to Jack, my disappointment is evident in my voice. "Jack, why didn't they request identity proof from these w

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