
63. My Illigirl is my wife now

Michael's pov -

The evening sunlight casts a warm glow in our home as Abigail and I return from our memorable honeymoon in Miami. The happiness radiates through every fiber of my being, and I can't help but feel a deep sense of contentment. Abigail is my world, and I want to shower her with all the love and care she deserves. Every moment spent together is precious, and I'm determined to make it as lovey-dovey as possible.

As the night settles in, Abigail succumbs to exhaustion and falls into a peaceful slumber soon after our arrival. I take a moment to admire her delicate form, her serene expression, and the way her breaths create a symphony of tranquility. She's so sweet and caring, and I find myself falling more in love with her with each passing day.


I get up with sleepy eyes as I have meetings so no option to sleep more. My wifey is still sleeping. It's better for her.

Deciding to freshen up, I step into the shower, but my mind remains fixated on Abigail. The warm water c
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