
67. Shattered Trust

Michael's pov -

I step into the house, my mind a chaotic storm of conflicting emotions. Abigail awaits me in the living area, her eyes searching mine for answers. Ignoring her, I make my way toward the bedroom, the weight of frustration and confusion heavy on my shoulders. How do I confront her about what Ema said? Abigail's compassionate nature and countless selfless acts make it difficult for me to question her motives, but Ema's words continue to echo in my ears, stirring doubt within me.

Inside the bedroom, I forcefully loosen my tie, grappling with the best approach to broach the subject. Abigail follows me, her voice filled with genuine concern. "Michael, is everything okay? You look exhausted," she asks, her worry palpable.

Without turning to face her, I shoot the question that has been tormenting me, my eyes piercing and sharp. "Who is Tuberose?" The room grows tense, and I sense Abigail's unease in her trembling response. "Why are you asking this suddenly?" she replies, her

Hello readers, Now, Michael's trust is shattered...

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