
75. The Piercing Cry

Abigail's pov -

I scoff, unable to contain my disbelief at her theatrical performance. This is not a time for her to play the victim. I didn't say anything to warrant her tears. The weight of her betrayal sits heavily upon my shoulders, and her attempt to shift the blame infuriates me further.

Before I can respond to her feeble excuses, the call abruptly ends. Panic sets in as I repeatedly dial her number, desperate to continue the confrontation, but it goes straight to voicemail. The number is switched off. I am left screaming into the void, my grief and pain echoing through the empty room.

In the depths of my anguish, I unleash a primal scream that reverberates through the room. It tears through the air, an anguished cry escaping from the depths of my soul. The sound that erupts from me is raw, unfiltered, and filled with a torrent of emotions that words alone cannot express.

"AAAAHHHH!" The scream tears through my throat, carrying with it the weight of betrayal, hurt, and shatte

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