

A week later

Mia's POV

“ Mia, do you want to get married? I mean, this is so sudden,” Natalie was worried sick about me getting married. She suspected that something was fishy but of course, I wouldn't let her know.

“ Especially since you never told me that you had a boyfriend,” Nita twisted her lips. She didn't believe any nonsense I spewed to her.

“ You both shouldn't worry, we were both dating before but it was sort of a secret thing because of his identity,” I clenched the perfectly white wedding gown I was wearing and tried my best to hold my smile up as the make-up artist did her work. Deep down, I wanted to cry but that would have to wait until I wasn't around these two.

“ If something is going on, you can always tell me,” Natalie had tears gathered in her eyes already. I waited for the make-up artist to finish up my makeup before getting up to look at Natalie who was on the verge of breaking down in tears.

“ Naty, I'm fine. I've told you that I love him and we've been having something going on for quite a while,” I held two hands in an attempt to convince her. I didn't exactly lie since the first part was indeed true and well, we did know each other but it's too bad in both cases it's one-sided.

“ Alright, as long as you're okay and happy,” she said in a low voice.

“ So I guess it's a congratulations?” Nita seemed hesitant to bid me farewell as well. We had gotten so accustomed to each other when we met at Uni.

“ Yes, I'll miss the both of you,” I didn't know when I started crying. I'm glad I went for a waterproof make-up.

“ Why are you crying?” Natalie seeing me cry began to cry as well.

“ It's because I'm happy but sad that I'm leaving you both,” I said hugging her and crying.

“ Don't talk like we're never going to see you again,” I knew Nita was fighting back the urge to cry and how I wish what she said was true but I knew this new Azek was cruel enough to make me cut contact with them.

“ Besides, I think you should save these tears for the wedding itself and your husband,” Nita added.

“ Yes,” I was very aware of my tears and how they would be flowing in abundance the moment I and Azek exchanged vows.

“ Let's stop all this crying,” I said letting go of Natalie who seemed rather hesitant to. “ How do I look?” I said doing a little swirl for formality's sake.

“ The groom is bloody wealthy so anything he gets must be perfect,” Nita had entered her analytical stage. “ You look as beautiful as any bride could be on their wedding day and even prettier,” that was all the compliment I needed to hear. At least, I wasn't looking like the problems I was facing.


With a bouquet in my hands, I slowly walked down the aisle. Azek had decided to hold a small wedding with only family members present. What was I kidding? The only people present were his workers, my family, and Nita. If I exclude the priest that is.

In the twinkling of an eye, we had exchanged rings and insincere vows. I always imagined us getting married but not in this manner. I wanted to be happy with him. Never once did I think I'd be so hesitant to marry him.

“ You may now kiss the bride,” the priest said. The part I dreaded most, yet anticipated came.

“ Why are you being so hesitant? This shouldn't be your first time, I bet your mother has given you more than enough experience,” he remarked. I had no idea what he was talking about.

“ Even if you shout out now, you're mine and there's no one that can save you from me,” he leaned forward and kissed me after lifting the veil from my face. Tears rolled down my cheeks steadily, it would be mistaken as tears of joy - I thought. I couldn't let Natalie know that anything was wrong, I needed to protect her.

“ I now proclaim you both, husband and wife,” the priest declared the moment Azek let go of my lips.

It was a minute drive from the chapel to his house. We sat beside each other quietly not bothering to look at each other. Well, I did - I often glanced over to look at him. I was still in a state of shock and could barely get my head wrapped around all this.

“ I'll send my driver to pick up your things later in the evening,” he spoke up for the first time to me today. “ I still don't see a reason why you'd need them, after all, they aren't worth much,” he degraded. I clenched my wedding gown in my fists as I tried my best to suppress the tears and anger I was fighting so hard to control.

Getting into the neighborhood where he lived, I understood the reason for his pride. I always knew he was rich but never really quantified it. His mansion which seemed more like a chateau or palace stood in the middle of a large premise, the gardens were perfectly trimmed, and everything about his house spelled wealth.

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