
Her Story

Chapter 45

"Let's go!" Vera declared, her voice tinged with urgency.

"Where?" I inquired, intrigued by her sudden proposition.

"Don't you want to escape from here?" asked Vera, gauging my interest.

"Yes," I replied with hope, my heart leaping at the idea.

"Let me show you the way out," offered Vera, and her words felt like a blessing.

Without hesitation, I took her outstretched hand, feeling a surge of relief as we embarked on our journey to my fate. Every step we took brought me closer to my ultimate goal, and I couldn't wait to reunite with Logan, my heart longing for him.

I was determined to leave Xavier behind and never see him again in my life.

"Do you think Xavier will spare Logan once we're out of here?" Vera's unexpected question pierced through my joy.

My steps faltered as if I had stumbled into a pit just ahead of me. I released her hand, and a heavy cloud of sadness darkened my thoughts. Fear crept into my heart, causing it to race.

"You're just one step away from achieving
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