
Chapter 6

Kris’s POV   

It was the middle of the night when we got back to the River Valley Pack. I wanted to go home. My home. Not the pack house. I wanted to be where my family was. I knew Nathan and Emily would be in bed. So I climbed on the couch and closed my eyes.   

Why are so many people obsessed with image and status? Are they afraid to be a strong, happy leader? That is how I want to be. That’s what Nathan did. I thought to myself as I drifted off. 

“Hey, Kris.” Nathan wakes me gently. I opened my eyes. It’s still dark. Nathan had put a lamp on before he came and sat beside me with a drink for both of us. I cuddled up to him and I told him about what happened. He hugs me. “The mate bond simply introduces you to your destined mate. It doesn’t make you fall in love with them.” He’s right. “I want you to be happy, Kris. Have everything in a mate that you desire. I’m glad he rejected you. I’m glad you accepted. You would never be happy with someone like him. I want you to be loved with or without the bond.”   

“I would rather be alone and happy than miserable with that jack wipe beside me. You don’t know how bad he was, Nathan.” We both laughed.   

We sat and talked about our mom. Reminiscing about what an amazing mom she was, even with which way Dad treated her. She was the most amazing mom and Luna. Nathan couldn’t wait to have children and to raise them. The way mom raised us.   

I am again jealous of my brother. He’s looking forward to his future, with a woman the goddess made perfectly for him. Whereas here I sit, alone. My mate rejected me. I could have fought for the bond. Made him realize how exceptional I am. But truthfully, he should accept me for who I am. Maybe my expectations are too high? Then again, no, they aren’t.  

“I will have to take a chosen mate to please the Wolf Council. Or I could just give up the pack.” I said to Nathan, knowing neither of us wanted that to happen.   

“You shouldn’t settle, Kris. We could fight the Wolf Council’s decision. This is our home. This is your pack, your birthright.”   

“It should be your pack, your birthright, Nathan. Dad was a fool.”   

He didn’t like the fact I chose happiness over power. That shows what he valued.” I nodded, agreeing with him.   

I told Nathan about what Isabelle said regarding going undercover. He laughed, as the idea was preposterous. “You would need permission to enter an Alpha’s territory. Otherwise, they may think you’re a rogue.”   

“Okay, but no one knows what I look like. I could send anyone to the pack house in my place and go for a wander around. Discover any deep dark secrets that the Alpha’s are hiding.”   

We talked until daylight. I need help if this plan is going to work. I sort of had a plan. But I need the help of my friends. “The strain of the rejection has driven her crazy,” Erin commented once I explained my plan to them all.   

“That prick didn’t deserve you, anyway. He would have been a useless Alpha. Wouldn’t have defended the pack in a fight. He would have been a drain. He is better off where he is. Which is away from us,” Erin snarks.   

Eventually, they all agreed it was in the best interest of the pack. That if I was going to take a chosen mate. It should be someone who was my equal and accepted me for who I am. Not what I am.   

We also broke down the specifics that the Wolf Council specified. “Council Member Clayton said you had to have a mate. But he never said he had to be of what rank,” Nathan stated. “I never realized he said that.” In theory, I could choose anyone.   

“Yes, but if he is to be the male Alpha and respected by the pack. Kris will need a mate of rank.” Lacie remarked. “That would make sense. Being introduced to an Alpha’s position at an older age may be too much for some people. At least if he is ranked, he will know what he is getting into,” Nathan says.   

We took the rest of the day to plan which packs we wanted to visit. We also had to factor in my Alpha responsibilities and social engagements. I felt tired just thinking about it all. “Do I want this?” I asked everyone in the room. “It sounds like a lot of work.”   

It was Nathan who answered. “Since when have you ever let anyone tell you what to do? Since when have you let a bit of hard work phase you? You are the female Alpha of the River Valley Pack. You would not be true to yourself if you took anyone as your mate. Besides, you are too stubborn to fail.”   

I looked at my brother. He is right, and he has just given me the inspiration I needed. “How dare the Wolf Council tell me what to do? Who the hell do they think they are messing with? I will show them. They have underestimated who I am.”   

“You’re going to need allies if you are going after the Wolf Council Kris,” Lacie informs me.   

“We can’t possibly get rid of the Wolf Council Lacie,” Rylee says to her.   

“That’s not what I meant, Rylee. I meant perhaps Kris wouldn’t have been put in this position if there had been an equal number of women on the Wolf Council.” Lacie corrects him.  

I stared at her, gobsmacked. Is she suggesting what I think she is suggesting? “Teach them not to discriminate based on gender.”   

“That is an amazing idea, Lacie. Can you imagine the looks on their faces? Being replaced by a woman.” I said, laughing. That would be even better than punching Clayton in the face. Stripping him of everything he values.  

“Yeah, but to make that happen. You need to be in the Alpha position long enough to have allies.” Nathan informs me.   

“Best get myself out there looking for a mate, then. Hadn’t I?” We all set to work. How the hell am I going to do all of this?  Then I looked around the room. I have my family and friends beside me to help me.

I can do this. I have to do this. This is not just for me, it’s for them too.

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