
Chapter 7

Rylee’s POV   

Kris locked herself in her old house with Nathan and Emily. She mind linked me and told me they were doing something important.   

When she eventually emerged, she had a well-worded letter. Which she planned on sending to every pack in the Wolf Kingdom. She also planned on sending one to the Wolf Council and the Palace. When I read the letter, it didn’t show the Wolf Council in a positive light.   

“They’re going to be pissed about this,” Dillon says while we’re stuffing letters into envelopes.   

“I don’t think Kris cares if they’re happy or not. The Wolf Council are the ones that have put her in this position. She is simply explaining to every Alpha in the Wolf Kingdom, why she wants an open invitation to visit their pack.”   

Kris decided to be honest about the situation the Wolf Council had put her in. I disagree with parts of Kris’s plan. Mainly sending me and one of her friends to the pack house while she goes snooping around the pack. It feels deceitful. But I agree with why she is doing it. Not many people know her mate rejected her. Now she is free to choose someone that deep down is right for her.   

“I know, but to put it out there for everyone to know what the Wolf Council is making her do. Making every pack know why she wants to visit them. It could come across as being desperate,” Dillon says.   

I can see his point of view. “No one knows she has already found her mate. At least now she gets to choose one. Let’s just hope she chooses well.”   

We both snicker and carry on with our task. Kris would be a catch for any man. She is beautiful, smart and witty. That should make her desirable to any man. Kris comes with the added bonus that she has her own pack. It should be like the frosting on a cake. Men will fight for her.  


Dillon’s POV   

More and more responses came in the post with every day that passed. You would think we sent out an invitation for free food with all the responses we received.   

Then again, Alpha’s are known for having large families. If they had multiple sons, this could be an opportunity for them to gain their own pack. Forge an alliance with the River Valley Pack.   

When we sent out the letters initially, I used a map of the Wolf Kingdom to ensure I sent the letter to every pack. Popping a sticker on each one. I didn’t want to miss any pack out.   

Now they are responding. I am placing an additional sticker on the map. “It’s going to take forever to get around so many packs, Kris,” I tell her when she sees what I have done. She stands back and admires my handiwork. “I never noticed how organized you were.” She says, grinning at me.   

I smile at her. “People just see the brawn, not the brain. I’m borderline OCD.” I tell her, chuckling. “Borderline?” she asks me, raising an eyebrow.   

“Yeah, I can walk away from a problem. It gives me a chance to think things over. If I had OCD, I wouldn’t be able to walk away. It helps when I have to be methodical. Like when I am doing a jigsaw or trying to solve a puzzle?” Now she is staring at me suspiciously. “What?” I asked her.   

“Nothing. I just can’t imagine a big strapping man like you sitting there quietly with a jigsaw.”   

“Not many people know,” I say. “It’s not that I am ashamed, it’s just not the norm for someone my age to do. I kind of hide this about myself. But this,” I pointed at the map. “Is right up my alley.”   

“You enjoyed doing this?”   

I nodded my head. “Not sure how are you going to go about visiting these packs over the next two years?”   

“I don’t know. But I am sure my puzzle-solving gamma will make sure I take the right path.” I should have seen that one coming. “Oh, here is a letter from the Wolf Council addressed to you. It arrived this morning. It didn’t feel right to open it.” I handed over the letter. Sealed with a wax crest.   

I watch Kris’s expression as she breaks the seal and reads the letter.   

She growls. “I really hate them, you know,” she snaps as she screws up the letter. Throwing it on her desk. “They now say that I can only leave the pack a week at a time and once a month. Oh, and that they are sending someone to make sure I comply with their rules.”   

“That is ridiculous. They are setting you up to fail.” I looked at the map on the table. “It’s going to make this challenging,” I told her.   

“Don’t worry. Let’s do our best.” She says as she smirks. There was a glint in her eye. “My dad wouldn’t let me quit. Not when there is so much at stake.”   

You have a plan, don’t you?” I asked her. Her smile grows. “If it comes to it. Yes, I do.”   

I dread to think,” I said, and she laughed. “I am positive we won’t need it. It’s a back-up plan if you will.”   

“I should know in case I need to organize something or cover something up.” She thinks for a second and nods her head. “Seeing how organized you are, I think you should know.” She takes a deep breath. “Just before my 21st birthday. I will organize an Alpha Ball here at the River Valley Pack. Try using it to find someone who would be willing to help me.”   

“Why don’t you simply do that, anyway?” I asked her.   

“I won’t get an accurate picture of what they’re like. That will be my last chance and my last shot at saving my pack.”   

“You love this pack, don’t you?”   

“Growing up, I was so excited that I would one day be leaving. But since becoming Alpha. I feel responsible for every man, woman, and child. They are mine to protect. The first step is finding a suitable mate. That is why the Alpha Ball is a backup.”   

Fair enough, a backup plan. Let’s just hope it doesn’t come to that. If it does, I will be ready. Who am I kidding? I will start planning today.   

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