

Yvonne arrived at C.M.S an Anglican church in Lagos island, she entered the church it appeared to be a very large church, she saw someone sitting on one of the benches, she knew it was him so she walked over to him and sat beside him, he was in a black suit and red tie

“Ok tell me what I forgot” she said

“Let your friends arrive” he said without looking at her but seemed focus on the stone cross at the altar

“How…. How did you know I called my friends” she looked surprised

“Why is that stone cross on the altar” he asked ignoring her question

“Excuse me? (she was surprised at the way he changed subject matters) I..I don’t know? Maybe its some kind of respect or something”

“You speak like it means nothing” he said turning his face to her

“Why? Should it mean a thing to me? I don’t even go to church, I stopped believing in God ever since I lost my parents who died in the church”

“Maybe I should tell you this” he said


“God doesn’t care who believes in him or not”

“Yeah, just as I expected” she said and they were both silent for a while

“Its more complicated than you think… (he was silent a while) You believe God killed your parents” he said, she paused then replied

“Well, sort of”

“Free will killed your parents not God”

“What are you saying? Suicide bombers attacked the church, why didn’t your God your father stop them”

“Imagine a situation where God begins to save everybody from dying… that would be more problem than good for you and everyone… you misunderstand the purpose of God"

“That sounds like what he should be doing… saving people” Yvonne said

“Do you any idea how many worlds are out there? If you did you’d understand that man is a fraction of the multitude of life… all you have is His Presence present in the first heaven to bring balance to your universe but God in his greatest form is not accessible to man… he doesn’t sit on a throne watching over the earth"

“I don’t understand what you are saying but all I know is that he watched it happen and did nothing which means he did” she said

“You are not proving anything” he said looking at the cross

“Of cause I am” she said loudly looking at him

“Everything happens for a reason and a purpose” he said

“What reason? What purpose? What could be more important than the lives of my parents”

“You are just like every other man… selfish and self-centered, care only for yourselves, if the first heaven had a scale of importance what makes you think you would make the list” he said, she was speechless

“You sound jealous” she said

“Nothing you do here faults the heavens, the results you get are all a construct of your actions…stop looking out for higher entities to cast your blames on, own your faults and strive to make your world a better place… God still doesn’t care so you better take your mind away from that, maybe you should lay your lamentations before the Begotten given to you… the one you killed on a wooden cross”

“I don’t understand what you just said” she looked confused

“Maybe this will clear your mind… your father was the suicide bomber” he said and she was shocked


“He accepted the offer to wear the explosives into the church after he was paid heavily… that money changed your life” She was speechless

“Wh… What?” she said almost inaudibly

“The truth”

“My father was poor, what did you expect?” she tried to defend her father

“Your father was poor, billions are poor so why should your father’s poverty bother anyone? Like I said earlier, this has nothing to do with God”

“The heaven is not responsible for your poverty or wealth, its angels can only help you create opportunities, His Presence gave you brains so he can rest from troubles like yours” he said looking at the cross, she was quiet, she knew all he said was true because no one could have guessed that.

“Yvonne!” Maria yelled as she entered the church, Yvonne cleared her eyes and turned to see Maria, she stood up and walked to Maria

“Hey Maria” she said and hugged Maria, she saw Rachael and Audrey

“No, why did you bring them” Yvonne said

“What are you talking about” Rachael said

“Yes there’s a problem” Yvonne said

“What problem?” Maria asked

“It’s complicated, I don’t even know” Yvonne said

“Who’s the white man over there?” Audrey asked

“you wont believe me if I told you” Yvonne said in a low tone

“Try Me” Audrey said coming closer

“He is the one who has been appearing to me… He’s some kind of Angel” she whispered to them; the three of them looked at each other and busted into laughter

“Excuse me?” Maria said

“I am not an Angel” he said and stood up then turned to face them

“Woow” Maria said

“Now that is a very beautiful man” Audrey said –the next most noticed feature was his eyes and fine body

“Right now I believe you have something bigger to worry about” he said

“Ladies this is Metatron and he’s huumm… I’m a Leviathan” he cuts her words

“Le What? What the hell does that mean?” Maria said laughing but he kept a straight face

“That is not your problem, the problem now is that your lives are endangered”

“Look, I hate threats and this is becoming boring” Audrey said

“Look, I hate oblivion. Can someone tell me something reasonable?” Rachael said

“Meet me in Yvonne’s car” he said and walked out of the church. They just stood there looking at him

“Who the hell is that guy?” Rachael said

“You need to see the way he came to me” Yvonne said and walked out too and they followed her.

As they got outside Yvonne entered the car but her friends stood outside

“Will you guys come in or what?” Yvonne said sticking her head out the window then they entered

“Ok tell us” Yvonne said to Metatron who looked all of them in the face

“Six years ago when you (Yvonne) serviced according to the laws of your land, you met three ladies who you became best of friends with (Maria, Audrey and Rachael) because you all share a lot in common and having same spirit. Yvonne and Maria were then posted to a government college while Audrey and Rachael were sent to a governmental organization all in the same state (Delta) but 8months into your service you girls went out together and took a long walk into town and your feet led you into a village. In that village you came across a house in a lonely part, it was old and damaged; there was a sign in front of the house “Cursed House No Entry”, but you ladies found it humorous and decided to enter” the ladies listened with kin interest

“And in your attempt to enter an old lady warned you of the consequences but you wouldn’t listen… you all entered with Yvonne being the chief adventurer, you were all marked the moment you set foot in that compound. You touched things in the house but at the sighting of a decaying body hanging in one of the rooms you all ran out… Yvonne you are the major link to your friends because you led the way” there was silence in the car as they stared at him

“Now tell me where I lied” he said without looking at them

“Please help us” Yvonne said and breaking the long silence

“No this is crazy” Rachael said

“Yes” Audrey agreed

“OK you were able to tell us about our past, I don’t know but you are probably some kind of psychic or something or maybe a prophet but all that curse thing is bullshit” Rachael said

“Yvonne I have been trying to help you but you kept rejecting my help. I sent you a number” he said and Yvonne remembered the paper

“But that was creepy and scary” she said

“You haven’t seen anything scary” he said

“Okay enough of all these… what is going on here?” Maria said

“This is all bullshit, if this thing wanted to attack us (that’s if it exists) it would have done that long ago” Audrey said

“My point exactly” Rachael said

“I can take you somewhere safe”

“I'm not interested” Rachael said

“Me too” Audrey said

“This is our life ladies” Yvonne said

“I have a husband and home to run” Maria said

“Well then you all can stay… Yvonne can come” he said

“What? Why me?” she protested

“Because you are head of the list” he said

“Better, don’t worry Yvonne I’ll pray for you” Rachael said and Maria laughed

“You don’t pray?” Maria said

“well, I’ll start now for my baby girl” she replied

“You all think this is funny” he said

“Look, I have to go now, ok? I’m so not interested in all these… see you later Yvonne and have a nice trip” Audrey said and walked out of the car

“Me too” Maria said and followed with Rachael

After they left he turned to Yvonne

“Don’t be afraid, I’ll help you” he said

“Honestly I am afraid”

“Alright, take your time and whenever you are ready I will take you see someone who can help” he said

“alright then, thanks for understanding but I want you to stay with me” she said

“I'm not going anywhere” he said

“Yes!!” she said happily

“So what now?” he said

“Now, you blend into mankind” she said

“Why would I need to do that? I am not a man”

“That’s the point… you need to make people accept you”

“I already did that” he said

“No not like that? No man falls from the sky like that and crushes a trailer?”

“But what did you expect, it was coming right at you” he said

“Yeah I know and thanks for that but now act like a normal man and not walking like superman “


“One more thing, please learn how to smile” she said

“I can’t” he replied

“Good, I’ll teach you” she said and moved closer to him; she puts her hand on his face and touched his cheeks lightly with her palm then uses her thumbs to push the sides of his mouth in opposite directions upwards

“Now that how to smile” she said holding his face

“Ok, I’ll practice”

“Good, practice with your thumbs like that” she said


“Alright, now we are going back to my hotel room”


“Good and please don’t do anything scary… don’t freak people out with your powers okay?” she said

“Ok” he replied; she started the car and drove off…

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