

“You’re really beautiful with those expressions” he complimented, she just stared at him not knowing how to react then she gave out a short laugh

“Jeez… You are crazy” she smiled then started the car

“Can I ask you something?” he said


“Are you in love with me?” he said, the question was unexpected and hit her off guard and she froze for a second

“I… No… Of cause not” she said then looked at him, his eyes stared at her like they could see lies, she quickly looked away

“You are lying” he said

“God! You are so honest” she said it like it was to be hated

“Isn’t that a good thing?”

“Well it is… But in your case I don’t know what to say”

“Don’t you lie?” she asked

“Never happened… Why should I lie when I know the truth? Lies complicate things and you’d have to lie to protect a lie, it is like an onion, the layers never stop growing out”

“Hmmmm… you are quite the smart ass” she reacted then stared at him for a while

“It’s a good thing though but in our world sometimes you just have to dilute the truth” she said

“More reason you all don’t have peace… you have a world built heavily on so much lies that if the truth breaks out today, they would be an instant world war”

“That’s not true” she protested

“Why do you lie?” he asked her

“Because the truth is bitter and lying save you a lot of problems” she said

“No… Because you deliberately do the wrong things even when you know the right thing to do… if an action is going to make you lie, why do it? Selfishness” he said and she remained silent

“How about you stop doing the things that makes you lie” he said… she thought about it for a while then drove off…


Yvonne drove to a club that was off the island, in the mainland

“This is a new club and its bubbling with people. We are going to have fun” she said smiling at Metatron (now Arnold) who was silent. She stepped out of the car with him. The streets had few people going and coming, people going into the club. It was a peaceful environment – two bouncers standing outside but as they approached the entrance Arnold stopped. She walked forward and noticed he was not with her; she looked back and saw him staring at the building

“What… let’s go” she said

“I can’t go in there” he said to her shock

“Why” she walked back to him “was he going to do this again?” she pondered

“I don’t associate with rivals” he said, she was clearly confused

“What the hell are you talking about?” she asked

“This is a den of iniquity” he said turning to her, that one caught her off guard

“Jesus… what the hell does that even mean? Why didn’t you say something since”

“No offense but Lucifer is in possession of this place and we are not compatible terms” he said

“That sound like pride” she said then waited for his reply but he was silent

“Ok then how about we go in and over throw him” she said

“Such decision might not be in your favour, and besides these are his works and I will not be part of it” he said insisting with returning impatience

“Oh God here we go again” she wasn’t happy, she looked around curiously as she bit down on her lower lip with brows shot up

“Lucifer rebelled against our father” he said

“Come on don’t allow your beefing get into your head” she said

“This is not a beef!!” his vexation was evident and she could see the anger

“Woow, I'm so sorry… you know what? Let’s go home’ she said and walked away, they stood beside the car and were both silent for like 10secs, he could tell he had upset her because she was quiet, withdrawn and worried

“My apologies for such anger” he said

“It’s ok I get it” she said faking a smile

“It’s fake” he said

“What is fake?” she asked

“The smile on your fake” he said, she didn’t know how to make it look real so she looked away

“Hey babe” a voice said from behind, she looked behind her to see three men standing in a short distance and calling, they appeared to be thugs so she ignored then

“Hello I am talking to you” he said aloud as he moved closer, he seemed determined

“I am not interested in any conversation so just leave me alone” she replied and suddenly he grabbed her arm roughly and turned her to face him not even minding the fact that she was standing with somebody, they looked dangerous.

“Look at me when I am talking to you” he said rudely, he had the smoke of confidence steaming through him

“Are you mad? Can’t you see I am with someone?” she glared at him with reproachful eyes

“Is that why you should ignore me?” he questioned, Arnold moved closer

“You seriously lack manners in all aspect” Arnold said

“Are you talking to me?” he walked closer to Arnold and stood face to face – Arnold appeared to be about a feet taller

“I don’t like the smell of your face… move” Arnold said

“You have made the greatest mistake of your life” he said to Arnold. Arnold noticed his weird tattoo

“Leave my face before I make you as ugly as your tattoo” Arnold said

“(chuckles) you no dey fear oh… white boy this is the streets of Nigeria, this is not America” he said then put his hand on Arnold’s shoulder what he clearly shouldn’t have done.

If not for over confidence he wouldn’t make such mistake – Arnold grabbed that hand squeezed it so painfully that he screamed in pain, still holding on to that hand Arnold throws him across the gutter in one fling, the second pulled out a knife in shock

“Are you seriously going to do that” Arnold said, he made the attempt to stab Arnold who grabbed him arm and turned the knife to his own stomach and fatally stabbed him twice, Yvonne turned her face away for it was too much for her. Arnold lifted him with the knife in his stomach and threw him in the gutter where he smashes his head on the ground, the last one pulled backwards in fear

“You are the wise one” Arnold said to him

“Leave before your brains touch dust” Arnold said and he turned and ran off immediately

“Let’s leave here before more comes back” Yvonne said and they both got into the car and drove off…

She parked the car by the road

“Thanks for protecting me” she said

“You’re welcome” he replied, she looked across the road and saw Chicken Republic

“Are you hungry?” she asked


“I am” she said then got out the car and together they crossed the road, she had enough to eat

“I am tired” she said

“I thought after eating you gain strength” he said

“I beg you in the name of your father, don’t start” she had to put a stop to him

Back in the car she rested her head on the head rest

“Are you okay?” he asked, she looked at him then looked away

“What a wasted day” she said, he could read the disappointment in her face

“I’m sorry” he said, she looked at him

“Maybe today won’t be that wasteful after all… Tell me, about yourself. Who are you really?” she said

“I'm a Leviathan”

“Yeah I know, you said that like a million times… ok why don’t you have wings? I thought all heavenly creatures go about with their chicken feathers or soemthing” she asked

“Leviathans don’t have wings but can fly and move faster than light. Angels have wings but not all do”

“Ok, so why did you leave heaven” she asked and he paused, that question hit him hard because it was the forbidden question, there was no way she was knowing that

“Did you hear me?” she said

“Yeah, it’s a long story” he said

“Well, we are going to be together for a while maybe forever, maybe?” she said

“I can’t tell you that, for there are things which man shouldn’t know” he said. He was hiding something from her, something he doesn’t want to tell her which might change his relationship with her and he wouldn’t get what he came for. She holds something very important but she doesn’t know it.

“Ok then. tell me, do you like men?” she asked

“I have no reason to hate them but you all have one problem” he said

“What’s that?”

“It’s Selfishness and pride”

“That’s two problems”

“Your problems are much actually” he said

“Yeah, we’re proud of ourselves… we are not perfect” she said, he looked at her

“Can I ask you something” he said

“Yeah sure”

“Why do you all feel so important?”

“Why shouldn’t we? Of cause we are important even God knows that” she said and he laughed, it surprised her

“You think you are important? When man dies his body smells, when a Leviathan dies there is a sweet smell… Or do you think man is a priority to God? You think you live long and fulfilled but you’re wrong” he said

“Are you jealous of men? And that sounds like pride” she said

“You think its jealousy” he said

“God does care about us, right?” she asked

“Do you care about yourselves? That should be your question”

“Just answer, does he care?”

“He loves everything he made but You are not the only creatures… you are not even his best creation… there are billions of morning stars in the universe all these stars hold a solar system with beautiful creatures scattered all over in it so if you think you are the most important or the best or most loved then you are wrong”

“What other creatures? Outside the planet there is no life” she said

“Things that are seen, are made of things that do not appear; things that do not appear are made into things that appear” he said

“I don’t get what you say”

“Man doesn’t know 0.1% of discovery in your universe… It takes man forever to arrive Pluto talk less of the next galaxy… Your technology is weak… Have you ever taken a trip to the universe?”

“Not really, just pictures on paper”

“It’s more beautiful than what you see on paper” he said

“Tell me about the moon” she said

“The moon is like earth’s battery, it does much more than what man thinks and sees”

“And the sun?”

“The sun is a world of its own, the liquid fire and light holds your planets… there is a big secret in the sun”

“What secret”

“I can’t tell you that”

“And how does the sun hold the planets”

“The planets are like particles caught up in a tornado, they are like particles to the sun and its fire and light works with time to displace gravity and keep the planets at horizon


“I was there when they were made”

“I wish I was” she said

“We could make a trio to space one day”

“I would love that” she smiled

Getting back to the hotel, Yvonne was tired that she just sank into the bed and slept off, Arnold kissed her forehead head then vanished…

Yvonne had no idea what awaited her in a short time, although not death but trouble and more chaos…. Whatever she was calling fun was about to be ruined by chaos.

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