

For there were things Metatron wasn’t telling Yvonne because he knew it might change her attitude towards him and heighten her fears…

Well the time had come for Metatron to let Yvonne know a lot of things he had been keeping from her

In minutes the whole area was deserted, the News had spread that “the world had just ended because Angels had just descended from the heavens onto central bank to destroy the world”. Everyone ran away at the sight of the Angel and what drew attention of Yvonne most were the sizes of his wings and how well built he was.

Arnold was still seated in the car with Angel Michael staring directly at him and Michael’s face wasn’t looking friendly; Yvonne was speechless and still staring at those large wings as they slowly folded behind and vanished

Arnold quietly stepped out of the car, still holding his gaze on Michael; he walked to the front of the car and stood there, he was 3 meters (15ft) away from Michael

“Metatron you have two choices; leave and return to purgatory or I’ll make you” Michael said, he had this catching bass voice.

“I didn’t come here for this Michael” Metatron said

“Father wants you out of this planet now” Michael said

“I wanted to seek father’s forgiveness but the gates of heaven was shut against me” he said

“You knew the rules and yet you failed” Michael said

“I was misled” Metatron said

“Misled? You led 10billion legions of Leviathans against our father and you call that misled?” Michael said replied

“I didn’t have much of a choice”

“Yes you did” Yvonne listened to the conversation and was worried about Metatron

“Not after father put Angel’s above us” Metatron said

“He is our father, whatever choice he made we must live with” Michael said loudly

“(scoffs) you say that because you are an Angel… He didn’t consider our feelings?” Metatron said loudly then continued

“Or has he forgotten that we had hearts and minds of our own; I had served him with all my heart” Metatron said touching his chest

“It doesn’t change your rebellious act” Michael said

“Yes it doesn’t but I’m here for peace” he said

“Peace? Unfortunately that can not be negotiated” Michael said

“Bazel misled us” Metatron said

“Bazel is Bazel, Metatron is Metatron, two different leviathans who had choices” Michael said loudly walking closer to him and stopped, Metatron was quiet a while

“I remember you back then Michael… My favourite warrior, the fearless… Don’t Forget that I made you the warrior you are and today you are an Arch

“Yes I remember and that soldier is here to do his duty… It is the Lord’s command”

“Like I said… I didn’t have much choice”

“No… you made your choice. You are a war machine and hazardous to this planet” Michael said

“Don’t be so sure” Arnold said and Michael understood; he then looked at Yvonne, she noticed Michael staring directly at her

“Is he staring at me?” she got even more frightened, Michael was even more pissed off now

“You mate with a woman of iniquity and abomination and you stand before me to justify your actions?” Michael said angrily pointing to Yvonne; she became scared thinking that he might attack her

“You are quick to condemn, speak no further about her” Metatron said

“I will deal with her after I deal with you” Michael said

“That is not going to happen” Metatron said

“We’ll find out” Michael said

“Tell father I am not here for war and I am not going back to purgatory” Metatron said

“Sorry, can’t do that” Michael said

“Then make me leave” Metatron said

“As you wish” Michael said but Metatron had to warn him

“You cannot fight me Michael” Metatron said

“Yes… at least not alone but I am here with brothers” Michael said and suddenly four Angels descended on the earth. Raphael, Uriel, Arion and Babimon

“Oh my God!” Yvonne was shocked

“This is not real… This is a bad dream” she said

“We do not have to do this, for this will only cause a great loss for man” Metatron said

“The full might of the 7 heavens stands against you” Michael said and immediately Michael approached him with a speed like sound and delivered a punch under the jaw which sent him up to the skies; Yvonne immediately ran out of the car. Michael followed him and sends him down with a strong kick down to the ground and right on top of Yvonne’s Car he fell damaging the car beyond repair.

Metatron got up and immediately came Uriel approaching him with a punch but he caught Uriel’s fist and flings him up into a building and actually destroying parts of the building on impact and immediately Raphael attacked next with a punch which he avoided by waving it to his left then got hold of Raphael and punched him on the ribs then lifted him up and was about to hit Raphael on the floor when Babimon dashed towards him, picked Metatron with his shoulder and they both crashed on Yvonne’s car. Babimon started punching his face from left to right and after 2 punches Metatron pushed him to the floor and immediately stood up and grabbed him by the leg and then slammed him on Yvonne’s car.

Arion took the fight to a much aggressive level when he threw a gasoline tanker towards Metatron, it crashed and exploded on him, Metatron then lifted the flame engulfed tanker and sends it back to Arion who quickly moved and the trailer missed him by an inch he dashed towards Metatron and punched Metatron in the face, the force sends him far away on the ground where Raphael was waiting for him and as Metatron approached he caught him a punch at the back and then took him up into the sky and flung him into Central bank and he crashed right through the glasses; Michael flew in with him and punched him in the face and stomach and threw a kick at him but Metatron caught his leg and punched his face twice then slammed him on the floor and immediately Arion gate crashed the fun from the top and in the process stepping on Metatron and they both broke the floor and fell into the lower floor and broke the next and the next and they kept breaking through the solid grounds until they were underground in the vault room. They were about 4 big vaults; Arion dashed towards Metatron and indulged him in a one on one combat but Arnold was better in combat and finally Metatron gives Arion a kick so strong that it send him towards one of the vaults he broke into the vault, Metatron then ascended out of the bank and into the road and immediately saw Yvonne afar off running with the old lady chasing her, he looked around and spotted a long iron rod which was stretching out of the ground as a result of the damaged road; he broke off a part of the iron, he then made an attempt to throw the rod at the old demon when Arion suddenly busted out of the ground and threw the vault at him, spilling cash everywhere, Arion then dashed towards him but Metatron quickly threw the vault back, the force sends Arion into a building, Metatron picked up the rod and threw it straight at the old monster impaling her onto a car. Yvonne stopped and looked back and saw that the monster lady was dead so she stopped running and saw Arnold who flew closer to her and was walking to her; she was full of fear with her clothes dirty and breathing heavily

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