

“Arnold I'm scared” she said running towards him then hugged him

“I told you to leave this place” he said

“I don’t know where to go… I am scared” she cried

“I am here for you” he held her close but suddenly out of nowhere a car comes flying towards them, he quickly protected her as it slammed on him, Yvonne was startled by the sudden attack and feared she was dead but surprising she wasn’t, she watched as he pushed the car away and dashed into the sky towards Michael

“Wait, Lucifer? As in Lucifer? Lucifer?” Maria wasn’t sure of this but was scared

“I sense fear in you but you shouldn’t be afraid of me” he said

“And why shouldn’t I be?” she asked, he sat on the bed side

“Men have got the wrong impression about me and I want to change that”

“God said you are evil” she said

“(Laughs) God said, God that… none of you know God better than I do … he is a better liar… but I’m here to change that negative impression about me. How do you believe that I alone am responsible for all the evil of this world? Or why do you think God is in heaven?” he asked

“Because man sinned against him” she replied and he chuckled

“How?” he asked

“By eating a forbidden fruit, I guess” she said

“(Laughs) you’re not even sure; you see, that’s what he wants you to believe. Actually, it was not a fruit, it was an element known as The seed of light and in there was nothing forbidden and that seed was the only seed to give man freedom and wisdom and if he hadn’t consumed it as I made him, you all would still be slaves of his presence in that garden living happy only in your head while you walk around naked like strays and lapping water from rivers like dogs”

“No, you are trying to deceive me… this is what you do” she said trying to hold her head

“That’s the picture he painted in your minds because he knows that wherever he lies I go on preaching the truth… why do you think he gave man dominion over the earth yet kept him in a pet farm he called Garden of Eden?” he entered her head and she remained silent

“He had no intention of letting you rule but I did… men should be thankful... he uses his advantage as a God and fill your hearts with fear while he sits so far away from you but I remain so close... I was once a loyal Cherb until one day he became cruel and biased”

“Then you rebelled” she said

“Things beyond me shook the first heaven… and Yes I rebelled because it was worth it”

“Cruelty and Evil resides somewhere in the first heaven in disguise as the Light” he said

“Wait, so God was cruel to other Angels?” she asked, she was falling deep into the deception, he wasn’t lying but twisting her mind-he was the cruelty in heaven

“Even Metatron the Leviathan knows this and now God has sent Angels to come kill him and you and your friends” he continued lying

“What? Why?” she asked

“Because you all associated with him… an unholy alliance… and now… you are God’s enemy and if you plead he will cast you into Hades, just like your husband” he finally got her hooked

“What? My husband in hell? He was a good man” she said, he walked slowly behind her and touched her shoulders

“Yes he was but God only wants those who will worship his feet and your husband had failed to do so” he said smiling behind her

“God is wicked… This is unfair” she said crying as she looked at her husband’s body

“But I can bring your husband back to you” he said touching her shoulder and she paused in surprise

“Please I really need him back” she pleaded

“Good, but on two conditions” he said

“I’ll do anything to get him back”

“You will bring Yvonne to me because she has something important in her system and secondly you’ll help me kill her Leviathan boyfriend” he said

“I can do that, I love the offer” she said smiling.

Never trust Lucifer’s words… Two words that defines him, shockingly convincing….

Sometimes he wouldn’t need to tell a lie, he just takes advantage of your confusion…

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