

“What?” she said then looked at him

“I should not have told you” he said, she looked confused

“What has that got to do with what’s happening now?” she asked

“Everything Yvonne… Everything… if Audrey had died he would be alive”


“Max was killed by a trailer on a cross road, the owner of the trailer failed to fix his brakes. If Audrey was shot dead; Maria would have gotten the News before Max leaves the house and they both would have been in the hospital here and he would have missed the death trailer… The trailer was suppose to run into a pole but Max was at the wrong place… I warned you but you chose to save Audrey who should be facing consequences of her choices and you took Maria’s husband’s life away” he said and stood up and walked away. It was now clear to Yvonne, she was speechless with her mouth open…

About 11:00am Yvonne left the hospital and entered her car with Arnold and they headed back to the hotel

“Why didn’t you tell me it would affect Max?” Yvonne asked

“I do not control the timelines” he said, Yvonne began feeling guilty

“I’m sorry”

“Maria owns that apology not me” he said without looking at her

“Please can you bring him back to life” she asked

“I will do no such thing, I don’t intend to complicate things more than the way it is presently” he said and she remained silent and remorseful.

“Maria must not hear about this… or she may never forgive you” he said without looking at her, Yvonne started the car and drove off.

Just close to central bank, the sun suddenly got covered with dark clouds and suddenly something dropped from the heavens above right in front of Yvonne’s car forcing her to pump the brakes immediately, the impactful landing damages the road and caused a strong shock wave behold it was an Angel – people began running for their lives as the whole place became chaotic in seconds, some even crashing their cars in the process.

Sitting in the car was Yvonne and Arnold both staring at the Angel, Yvonne couldn’t deny how handsome he was and couldn’t stop being amazed at the massive wings he possessed, he had a fine blonde hair that could almost be gold colored, he was a beauty. She has to stop admiring after noticing the anger look on his face, he didn’t look like he was hear for peace

“I have a bad feeling about this” she said with eyes on the Angel, he was 5 meters away from the car and didn’t look armed with any form of weapon but he just stared directly at Arnold

“You have to run as far as you can” Arnold said, Yvonne looked at him


“It’s not going to be fun” he replied with his eyes on the Angel

“Who is that?” she asked

“The anointed Arch… Michael”…

Audrey got home and still thinking of all that happened today, she sat down on the chair and then Chinedu came downstairs

“So you are back, where have you been?” he asked but she was silent

“Well, I need some cash babe” he said

“I want us to end this relationship” she said without turning to look at him

“Excuse me?” he wasn’t expecting that, she turned to look at him

“Isn’t that what you have always wanted? Take your stuff and be in your way” she said then stood up and walked upstairs, he stood there staring at her as she walked away…

If she was doing this because of what happened, isn’t It a little bit too late for that? Well better now than never

Maria wasn’t sure if she would ever recover from all these, she loved her husband so much that she would never give me up for anything, she was in the room with her husband’s body lying before her, she was crying and remembering things they shared, how much she wanted him back, but that wouldn’t be possible anymore

“Max, why have you done this to me? How do I live without you? Where do I go from here? I can’t stay without you, I’d kill myself” she cried bitterly; he laid there with bruises all over him and a large opening in his head and a face like he was going to smile. She just kept crying

“Please come back” she said crying

“Please Max I beg you, for the sake of our love don’t go away. We have so many things to do together Max please, I’ll never talk back at you” she said all she could but nothing

“Nothing hurts more than losing true love” a voice said behind her and she was startled and quickly turned to see a handsome young man, very light skinned with nice trimmed beards; basically he was white

“You scared me. Who are you?” she asked

“They said only a miracle could save him… I know what you must be going through right now” he said but she sobbed lightly then sniffed her nose

“It’s not your fault he’s dead” he said and she cried, he rested on the bed beside the corpse

“It is my fault… I was not a good wife” she said

“No it isn’t… It’s your friend Yvonne who killed him” he said and she turned in surprise

“What? Who the hell are you how can you say that?”

“Do you remember earlier today Yvonne called you and told you that Audrey almost got shot”

“How did you even know that? She asked

“Yvonne actually went to save her life because Arnold told her that” he said, Maria was lost in the whole story

“I don’t understand… What are you saying?”

“Arnold is a powerful creature and you know it but don’t want to believe it. He told Yvonne that Audrey would die today and Yvonne said she would save Audrey but Arnold warned her that she shouldn’t because if she did your husband Max would die but do you know what Yvonne said?”

“What did she say?”

“She said… she didn’t care” he lied

“What? I don’t believe you, please leave”

“If Yvonne had left Audrey to die she would have carried the consequences of her bad choices, and definitely that would stop your husband from going to work because both of you would go to the mortuary to see her” he said and somehow it was making sense to her

“How can Yvonne do this to me? This is unbelievable” she said crying

“Maria, I can help you bring back your husband” he said and she turned in surprise

“You can do that for me?” she said

“Yes but you must help me do something first”

“I will do anything… but wait… who are you? How would you bring back my husband?” she asked

“I am the Archangel of light… Lucifer, SON OF THE MORNING”…

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