
81. The Commotion

Seeing that they are on their own and the Linda Davison they had previously relayed on was lying and turning on them, the shop attendants in their numbers rushed to Alice Jet and kneeled before her.

“Ma’am please we are sorry…..please forgive we this ignorant beings!…. “

“Yes Miss Jet, please forgive us!”

“Miss Jet! Miss Alice! Please forgive us because we were very ignorant and naive!”

“ Please forgive us Miss Jet! I swear we didn’t know you were Alice Jet and the incident that transpired didn’t transpire like that….it was Miss…”, she stuttered whilst stealing glances at Linda who knew immediately that the girl was about to throw her under the bus.

“Shut up!!!!!”, Linda exclaimed angrily, stopping the girl from going further with what she wanted to say.

Everyone around was startled, Linda Davison was red in the face almost resembling a full grown ripped tomatoes.

They rolled their eyes at her, they won’t dare say it to her face but they can certainly roll their eyes at her and insult
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