
97. Threats and Assassins

“Papa that lowly woman you speak of is Alice Jet of the Jet empire and the reason why I’m saying that Alice Davison might be alive because there’s no explanation about how Alice Jet came about to be a Jet plus she a striking resemblance to Alice Davison like her eyes, that seductive dove like eyes with the same eye color. Also the other twin of the bullied girl looks exactly like Alexander Johnson. I swear it papa, looking at him was like looking at Alexander when we were younger! His voice and words also sounded the same. But the shocking issue about all this is that the surname of the kids also happens to be Johnson and there is absolutely no information about them including Alice Jet any where. I asked Adam to look into her and the kids but he got back to me a while ago that he found nothing on them. It seems like they don’t exist, they don’t exist anywhere Papa!”, Jane exclaimed to him over the phone.

Ken Li didn’t know when he became

speechless on the phone till he heard Jane cal
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