


We finally got the upperhand and the remaining neonates and rogues retreated but Melia and Roxy were nowhere to be found.

“Lenny you better make sure no one gets away and I want as many captives alive and in our custody as possible.”

“Yes, Alpha.”

“And Lenny, you better not fail me again.” I growled.

“August I did everything I could, the neonates were on the Matt kid like flies on dog shit. We couldn’t even see there were so many surrounding us and the other warriors were getting the elderly and children to safety like Melia ordered.”

“You don’t take fucking orders from Melia. No one does. She isn’t your Alpha, I am. Do you understand me.” Bishop pushed through and had Lenny up off the ground by his neck.

“Yes, Alpha.” He squeaked out breathlessly.

“Now find my fucking daughter and she better be alive without one fucking hair out of place.” Bishop threw him to the ground like discarded trash. I wanted to help my friend but Bishop already had more control than I wan
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