


I dropped to the ground in sweat. My face and my body were drenched with sweat and I was struggling to catch my breath. Damon had been going hard on me just because, according to him, I was a fast learner and I was going better than almost everyone that started before me.

"Get up, Iris," He said impatiently and clicked his tongue. His mouth was still bleeding from the punch I gave him. I thought that would be enough to make him stop but it just got him fired up.

"I'm tired, okay? I can't go on." I replied breathlessly.

Tracking my progress for the last three weeks, I was doing well and could defend myself in any battle. It was as though I was born for battle. Well, my dad was a beta and I have his genes, so yeah, that explains it.

"The interschool competition is just weeks away. And I already picked you to represent our school in the tournament."

"Wait, what?!" I finally found the strength to sit up while glaring at him. "Isn't this supposed to be something I get to decide?
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