
last day in the college

Today it was the last day of exam and also the last day in the college. Jack, Elena and Drake were sitting in the canteen and gossiping.

" Jack, in which company you are going to apply for the internship? " Drake asked.

" I haven't decided yet. What about you? " Jack asked him back. Drake thought for a moment and then replied, " Actually, i want to go overseas but i'm compelled to apply only in ' The Militia Company '." 

"Wow, it's awesome. I have heard about that company. It's a renowned and big company but why don't you want to work there? " Jack said.

" Yeah, it's great to work there but.."

" No, buts and all. If you are getting an opportunity to work in that company. Then you should must go there. " Jack replied immediately without listening his reason.

" Jack, you don't know about Drake family background.Actually,his own uncle is CEO of that company .That's why he doesn't want to work there." Elena revealed the secret behind his un

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