

After the intimate encounter I had with Giovanna, I felt the need to share this unique experience with my closest confidant, Nicolau. He was always by my side, offering advice and unconditional support, and I knew he would understand the importance of this moment in my life.

I found Nicolau in his box, where he was reviewing some documents. Upon entering, my smile denounced the joy that overflowed in my heart. He raised his eyes, noticing my radiant expression, and immediately knew that something significant had happened.

"Alexandre, you seem elvenous," Nicolau said with an air of curiosity. "What happened? Tell me everything."

I settled in an armchair next to him, eager to share the details of this intimate moment with Giovanna. My words flowed with excitement and enthusiasm as I described each special moment we had together, the intense feelings that were awakened and the deep connection we felt for each other.

"Nicolau, it is difficult to describe in words the magnitude of this mom
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