


Elora Amoh!

The name had replayed in my head for years. For so many years. It stuck in my mind like that incident—the beautiful, innocent little Elora who would never hurt a bee.

For so long, I had stayed in the shadows, watching her like a hawk, the guilt from years before threatening to tear my heart apart.

I, Orson Wilson, one of the wealthiest figures in California, trailed behind her every time like a puppy. Not me directly, but I had eyes on her. The second I knew that her jerk of a husband had decided to marry her cousin, I knew I had to do something. But somehow, I feared that she would recognise me.

But she doesn't.

My eyes trailed over her again as we settled in the back of my car. The sweet scent of her mahogany hair oil filled the air. Her Almond-shaped Green eyes squirted as she read through the document she held. Her round face was etched with way too much seriousness.

She had grown so much from the Elora I had known years back. She had become a woman—an elegant one at that.

“A three-year contract.” She finally lets out, her glossed full lips twisting as her eyes ran over my face, causing me to give her a nod.

“Were you expecting more?” I threw at her and watched her tsk.

“Three years with a stranger isn’t fun.”

“Nothing in this world is fun. I could have my lawyer change it if you want.”

“No, it’s fine.” She responded before closing the papers and sliding them back into my palm. “What are your other conditions? Also, do know that I have mine as well.” She added, a slight smile spreading my lips apart.

I could tell she was lying, but I gave her a nod.

“We can’t have sex. We can’t—-“

“Wait! What?” She questioned, her eyebrows arched in surprise.

It took a minute to answer as I tried to read what her expression might mean.

“I understand that you believe we are married, but sex isn’t something we should do together, trust me—“

“Just stop talking!” She snapped, “What makes you think anyone would want to have sex with you? Or mostly me?”

A low chuckle vibrated through my chest.

“Okay. The next thing is that you are not to go anywhere without informing me. I need to know your every movement—“

Throwing her hands in the air, “Now that’s absurd.” She confessed, her lips apart while she stared in disbelief.

“Believe me when I say it’s for your good. I’m doing this to protect you. You need to—”

“Protect! From what?” She thundered.

I felt my blood boil to the fullest, a low groan slipping past. No one ever interrupted me, and she had done that thrice. Not even once, but three freaking times.

She should thank her stars that she is precious to me. If not, I knew the best things to do to her.

“Listen when I speak,” I ordered, attempting to say it softly.

Her brows arched some more.

“And if I don’t? What are you going to do about that?” She dared, and I felt something crawl all over me.

“Don’t dare me, Elora.” I let out in a low voice.

“Well, I have done that twice. You better get to action now.” She reminded, her lips puckered in a pout. Her Green eyes danced with mischief.

Taking in a deep breath, I managed to squeeze on a smile.

“The third thing is no physical contact. You are not allowed—“

“Isn’t that the same thing as the first? And what makes you think I will make the first move?” She snarled, her nose flattened.

“For damn sake, Elora, will you just listen?” I said between clenched teeth and heard her laugh dryly.

“Sorry, do I know you?” She questioned, her words throwing me off balance.

My heart raced, increasing rapidly as the space started to get too small for me. For us.

Did she find out? Did I reveal too much?

Her gaze stayed glued to mine, and I could tell she needed a response.

“No..” I mumbled.

“Exactly! So don’t talk to me like I’m your child!” She threw back.

Dragging in a deep breath, I squeezed my eyes shut.

Could I say I didn’t blame Boaz for…

My eyes trailed over her again. She might have grown, but she would always be a child to me, the one he had died to protect.

There was a brief silence.

“Where do I pick you up?” I asked, finally breaking the ice.

Her head snapped to the side.

“For?” She asked, her voice laced with anger.

“For fuck sake, can you not talk to me like I’m Boaz!” I groaned.

Her shoulders rise and fall in a shrug.

“You all are mostly the same.” She mocked, and I could almost taste the bitterness in her voice.

She was hurt, that I could tell. It was obvious that she was just as broken as I had been back then, that particular day that my world itself fell apart. So I let her slide off, just for now.

“I will pick you up at your place by 9 pm. Be ready.” I inputted and watched her lips part as though to protest before it fell close again.

“Okay.” She muttered, her eyes darting away from me to the window as she watched the events around her go on.

My eyes caught the tears glittering in hers, but I made no attempt to comfort her, not even when she sniffed and ran her palm over her face.

A movement that happened in a swift, just like she never did.


Her place was just as I presumed: tiny and unhealthy for human habitation. I couldn't help but wonder how she survived there. According to my source, it was all she could afford since she had run out of money after her Father ignored her. It made my blood boil that he dared to do something of that sort to her. The urge to walk into his office and have him pay a millionfolds threatened to consume me, but I knew better than to do that. I was a consuming tornado, one that didn't make his moves known.

Because I knew the enemy could be watching from anywhere, no one was left out of my trust issues.

My eyes moved over the two bags she pulled out, beads of sweat rolling down her forehead. Raising my hand, I signal the driver to pull the mirror down.

“Do you have any important thing to take with you?” I asked and watched her lips flatten as she tried to process my meaning. “Just pick the significant ones, and let’s leave.” I expanded.

“And my luggage?”

“The bus will get here soon. Just leave them there, and let’s go.” I explained, watching her heave a sigh of relief.

For years, I had done my research, and I knew how much she despised men with fame or money, which was why I could never show her what I was capable of. I needed her not to hate me so I could save her.

After twisting her lips, she finally picked up a small purse before heading towards the car. I was curious about what it contained, but I didn't bother to ask.

One, I didn't want to come as a pokenoser. Two, because it was probably not vital information.

The drive to my newly-bought bungalow was silent. None of us said a word to each other, and I loved the peace that came with it. Pulling into the compound, I heard her gasp.

“This is so beautiful!” She exclaimed and quickly added, “And expensive. Or isn't it?”

She tilted her head around, her eyes holding so many questions.


That was what I got for buying a 200-million-dollar bungalow.

Her eyes thin out as her curiosity spread, and I let out a dry laugh.

“Of course. My company…gave me. You know as the best employee of the month.” I lied between clenched teeth. “Right, Mr Henry?” I threw at him.

“Pardon!” He let out, my cold stare threatening to pull out his soul. “Yes. Yes, Master, Sir…” His words trailed off after I eyed him.

Nodding, she tore her gaze away, and I caught my Driver’s in the mirror. His lips were slightly apart.

“Don't you dare!” I mouthed, and he immediately dragged his eyes back to the road.

The view was beautiful, but nothing compared to my other buildings. The car parked at the house's entrance, and we descended. The walk into the house wasn't much, but I watched her pupils dance for minutes as they took in the interior designs.

“Your company does have good taste.” She complimented her with a slight smile, caressing her lips before suddenly stopping.

“This picture—” She trailed off, and I froze the second I realised my mistake.

Her fingers trailed over it, and she looked so engrossed.

“We went to the same school?”

Gritting my teeth, I squeezed my eyes briefly as I blamed myself for being so careless.

“Yes, it's nothing serious,” I said, attempting to change the topic.

“Which year? I mean, did you finish? And this guy with you, he attended too?”

I let out a low grunt. Old habits never die hard, I guess. She was still as inquisitive as ever.

“Long before you got in, I believe. Like I said, It is nothing serious.” I responded carefully, avoiding letting out too much detail.

Her eyes moved to me as she turned. Her pupils darted as she searched my face.

“Is there something you are not telling me?” She questioned, her brows narrowed out of sheer curiosity.


The voice in my head screamed, but I paid it no yield. This wasn't the right time yet. Now, it would ruin everything I had carefully planned.

“Your room is the third on the left. Have fun settling in. I have work.” I responded swiftly, sent her a smile, and strode out of the house.

The less she knew, the better.

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