

Mrs Hernandez was busy typing something on her laptop when the office door pushed open and Bruno entered with an expressionless look on his face. He was wondering whether telling her who was here to see her was the ideal thing but he had to.

Louisa looked up from her laptop and her forehead creased into a frown when she saw the look on Bruno’s face.

“Are you okay?” She asked him, “why are you standing there like that”

“Someone is here to see you ma’am” he finally spoke up.

“Who?” Mrs Hernandez asked back with uncertainty, “and why didn’t you bring the person in?”

“Vanessa is here to see you ma’am” Bruno finally dropped the bombshell and the old lady shot out of her seat, she was surprised and stunned at the same time.

“What did you say?” Louisa wanted to be sure she heard him correctly. She wanted to be sure that it was the same Vanessa who ran away on her wedding day that had the guts to come back to her office and request to see her.

“She is in the lounge ma’am”

“Bring her to my off
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