
Texts and Brothers

Rose was lying in bed reading over some old case files when her phone buzzed. She checked, hoping for it to be from a specific person and saw a text from Andrew. A smile automatically came onto her lips.

Andrew - "Hi"

Rose - "Hi"

Andrew - "What's up?"

Rose - "Nothing much, Fabian is here. I think he’s staying over for a while."

Andrew - "Oh, does he still give you the creeps?"

Rose - "Yes, I feel kind of weird around him 😨. Wish you were here with me."

Andrew - "Should I come over then? 😜"

Rose - "Are you mad? What if someone sees you? Especially Dad 😰 Then we will both be dead"

Andrew - "If I get to be with you then I don't mind dying to be honest"

Rose didn't know if she should smile at his reply or be worried about their future when he sent this. 

Rose - "Do you really love me that much to take such a big risk for me?"

Andrew - "More than you can ever imagine 😍 I feel like nothing is as important as you nowadays."

She blushed and typed back -

Rose - "I love you so much that I feel like screaming "I Love You Andy" so loudly that the whole world can hear"

Andrew - "If the situation between our families was different then I would have perhaps dared you to do it, but since it's not I'll leave it for now"

Rose - "What are you wearing? 🤪"

Andrew gulped as he read her text. He hadn't forgotten that his Rose was no longer the old, completely innocent girl he had grown up with but this took him by surprise. He typed back -

Andrew - "Curious, are we?"

Rose - "Maybe. I just wanted to know what my boyfriend was wearing so I can get a mental picture of you"

Andrew - "Boyfriend huh?" 

Rose - "😘😘😘"

Andrew - "❤️❤️❤️"

Just then Sandra knocked on the door and Rose quickly texted Andrew about it and went to open the door. Sandra told Rose that it was time to eat and she went with her. While they were eating, Rose constantly felt Fabian occasionally staring at her. It made her feel very uncomfortable but she didn't want to make it a huge issue by saying anything in front of everyone. Luckily for her, Rayah had also noticed and she nudged Kyle to show him. 

Kyle felt annoyed at Fabian for staring at Rose in a way that was clearly making her uncomfortable and said "Fabian, the food looks great too. Shouldn't you be paying attention to it? What if you accidentally swallow a bone and break your jaw?" with a double meaning while trying to control the tone of his voice. 

"Oh yeah. I was just looking around. Don't worry" Fabian replied, giving a forced smile and went back to eating with his full attention on the food. Rose breathed in relief. 

After dinner, she went to Kyle and Rayah’s room and thanked them both for helping her earlier. "Thank you so much bro and Rayah for helping me earlier. I was feeling weird and uncomfortable but couldn't directly tell him since he's our guest."

"Don't worry Rose, I felt like breaking his jaw when I saw him look at you like that. If anything like this ever happens again just tell me" said Kyle. 

Rayah thought for a while and asked "Rose, has he ever done anything like this before? I just never noticed until today." 

"He hasn't stared at me like this before but I used to get creeped out by him earlier but Andy would reassure me."

Kyle got lost in his thoughts for a while and after a while asked "how is Andrew? Why did he ask you to meet today?"

Rose looked down and smiled "Andy is fine. He called me because he wanted to c-c-confess his feelings for me."

Kyle and Rayah looked at each other with their mouths open in surprise, then looked back at Rose who was standing with her head down shyly. They hugged her and Rayah said "please tell me you said yes."

 "Yes, I'm glad that idiot finally managed to do it. He's been walking around, waiting to confess from like 6 years ago. You said yes right?"

Rose looked up and pouted her lips when she heard Kyle calling her beloved Andy an "idiot". "Bro he is not an idiot and yes I said Yes to him."

Kyle gasped and said "look Rayah this girl is getting upset with her brother for calling her boyfriend “an idiot". If she's like this before marriage, then what will she be like after he becomes her husband. She'll probably run after me with a broom if I say something about him."

Rose punched him in the stomach and they all laughed and had a group hug. 

Fabian went inside the room when he heard the sound of their laughter. "What's going on? Tell me as well." The trio stopped laughing and broke the hug.

"Nothing much bro. Kyle just told us a joke" replied Rose.

Fabian closed his eyes when he heard Rose call him bro. Only he knew how much he hated that word from her. He managed to calm himself down a bit and asked "oh, what was the joke about?"

Rayah replied "It was about how we would celebrate her wedding and how she would be more interested in the food rather than her groom."

"And also how you two would walk me down the aisle since you are both my brothers" Rose added. 

Fabian almost gasped when he heard that. An image of him holding her hand and walking her down the aisle came to his mind. No he couldn't let that happen. If Rose Anderson married anyone it would be him, Fabian Anderson. 

His moment of horror was extended when Rayah said "aww that would look so cute. Rose and her two brothers."

He mumbled an excuse and ran to his room. Whenever he blinked, the same image of him carrying the palanquin came to his mind. "Rose, you're making me go crazy" he moaned and fell back onto his bed. 

After finishing her conversation with Rayah and Kyle, Rose went to her room. She opened her phone and texted Andrew.

Rose - "Hey Andy, you awake?"

His reply came almost immediately.

Andrew - "Yes Ma'am. We live in constant wait of our loved one’s messages."

Rose - "Aww. Something happened at dinner today. Fabian was staring at me and then Kyle noticed and "politely" told him to look at his food. Then he came into Kyle, Rayah and my conversation about you so we teased him about him walking me down the aisle for my wedding. You should have seen the colour wear off from his face. It was hilarious 🤣"

Andrew fisted his hand when he read the text. How dare that Fabian stare at his Rose. He felt like beating up Fabian so bad that he wouldn't be able to sit straight for two days or maybe he should blast a firecracker on his posterior. "Mmm. Not a bad idea Andrew" he thought to himself. He typed back -

Andrew - "Give Kyle a hug from me for doing that. Also what were you three talking about me?"

Rose - "I told them about our confession and they were teasing me for that. Oh by the way Kyle called you an idiot for not confessing until nowl

Andrew - "Never mind. I never said anything. Take that hug back"

Rose - "😂😂😂"

Andrew - "Maybe I am an idiot, but I waited until now because back then you were not exactly mature enough to make decisions like this and I also didn't want to distract you from studying. To say the truth, it was the gang here who convinced me to tell you"

Rose - "Tell them I said thanks for helping me get my love."

Andrew - "By the way, you will look magnificent as a bride. I can’t wait to see you as a bride. As my bride."

Rose - "We should start working on how to end this rivalry. Only then can we marry each other and live happily"

Andrew - "I agree. Let's start from tomorrow"

Rose - "Mission Kingston-Anderson rivalry on. 🤣"

Andrew - "🤣 Yes"

Rose - "Goodnight Andy. I love you"

Andrew - "Goodnight Rose, I love you too"

Rose - "❤️"

Andrew - "❤️"

Rose - "😘"

Andrew - "😘😘"

They both chuckled to themselves as they slept with thoughts and dreams of each other and the life they hoped to live in the future.

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