
The Confession

After spending time with Rose, Andrew went back home but not empty handed. He brought sweets and chocolates for everyone. 

"Wow. What's the special occasion? Did some girl finally say yes to marry or date you?" 

"Dad. What do you mean by finally? If I asked, any girl would say yes. I happen to be so good looking and hot. Anyway this is all because I am super happy today. My friend did something very special and I am happy for them." The youngsters understood what Andrew meant by that and they all secretly winked at each other.

"You have friends?" asked James raising his eyebrow.

"Dad" moaned Andrew and James started laughing. Andy smiled seeing his father laugh. He knew that his father had been through a lot in his life. Losing his once closest and best friend was not something he was prepared for. Andrew was happy that his father was laughing even if it was at his expense.

They went to his room to talk to him. "When are you going to tell her about your feelings? How long will you keep everything inside you?" asked Aria. "You need to let everything out a some point."

Andrew looked at them all and looked down while smiling sadly "what's the point? It's not like we can actually be together or get married even if she reciprocates. Did you all forget our family's equation with her family? If it was two years ago, then I would have confessed to her the moment I met her, but now."

Ryan sat beside him and held his hand "Bro it's better to still confess. What if one day you realise that if you had taken the risk and told Rose about your feelings for her and she would have reciprocated and the problems also could have been solved. Please just take a chance and tell her you love her.We don't want you to live with that regret lifelong. Please just do it. Who knows what the future holds." 

Everyone looked at Ryan with wide eyes, then looked at each other and burst out laughing. 

Fia while laughing asked "Bro when did you become so sensible to give such good advice?" 

"Since he met Shylah" Andrew answered. 

Ryan blushed as he heard her name and left the room pretending to get a call. Everyone laughed after he went.

"Andrew, what he said is still correct. You should confess. You should not leave your love behind just for your family. In fact we will all help you, to confess and also after that. We will all be with you no matter what happens in the future" said Kevin.

"Ok. Let's do it" replied Andrew after taking a long breath. 

They all cheered and had a group hug. 

Two days later Andrew called Rose to meet him somewhere. She went and found the place to be quite dark. She went inside, moving the curtain and saw pictures of her and her dearest Andy from their childhood to her leaving party five years ago. There were also handwritten notes on his favourite things about her and their favourite childhood memories together. As she walked on she saw a heart made of roses on the floor. She went and stood inside the heart crying. Andrew came out. He was wearing a black suit with a white shirt inside.

He went and took her hands. "Rose. I have practised this scene in my dreams everyday for a long time but I still don't know what to say today as I actually stand in front of you. All I know is that you complete me and that there is no Andrew without his Rose. Everyday when I look into the mirror, I see you instead of me. When someone calls me, it is you who I hear and hope to see. You are everywhere throughout me. You're in my mind as my thoughts, in my eyes as dreams, in my mouth as words, in my arms as my greatest strength, in my legs as my eternal destination, in my veins as my blood and in my heart as my heartbeats. Each and every one of my heartbeats beat in your name. Be it life or death, it is you who I want to be with forever. Will you be mine?"

Rose was blank for a moment. Then she felt it. Her dream was finally coming true and her love was expressing his love for her. "Sorry what?" she asked, still in a daze. 

Andrew smiled and said "Ms Rose Anderson, I love you." 

"You love me? You love me as a friend right?" 

He chuckled and replied "I love you as a man loves a woman."

That was it. She couldn't control it any longer and hugged him so hard he almost fell over. He didn't need an answer after this. He understood her answer from her hug. He hugged her hard. She fit perfectly in his arms. Her petite frame in his muscular one. 

After breaking the hug he cupped her face and whispered "I Love You" trying to hold back his tears but failing. 

She wiped away his tears and replied "I Love You."

He smiled and kissed her forehead. They left the place and he drove her to an ice cream parlour and got their favourite flavour. "You know Rose, I haven't had this ice cream in five years." "Neither have I Andy." They drove around for a while before Andrew dropped her a few minutes away from her house. 

As Rose entered she was met with a surprise. Her distant relative Fabian, was there. He smiled at her and tried to hug her but she pretended to drop her phone. Roshni was not against hugs from guys but she never felt quite right whenever he was near her. There was something about him that made her want to stay away. His smile sent shivers down her spine. She made small talk with him and ran to her room and closed the door. Something told her that something bad was going to happen.

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