

"Ana, I honestly don't believe that Brian will have the guts to show up after all he's done to you, he's making a mountain out of a molehill just because your mother married his father!" 

"Laisse is not and that and that she should have told me before because when I touched the subject of dating she said it was bullshit, besides, were you there when he told me that Brian was not for me and now and married to his father?" 

"Ana, I'm sorry, I didn't want to be in your shoes because I wouldn't know what to do!" 

"You know what, Lais? I will live my life and be independent, I already wanted that, now I can live alone better than staying at home with them!" 

"Girlfriend, are you crazy? You'll get money from where if your college is paid for by your mother!" 

"And even I forgot about that what the fuck!" 

I stayed a few more hours talking with Lais until my mom called me wanting to know what time I was coming home? Honestly, if she thinks she's going to arrest me she's wrong, I've grown up and I'm not that little girl anymore and soon I want to work and be independent. 

When I got home it was after 11 PM and my crazy mother was desperate, thinking that I had done something to myself because she knew that she was married to the father of the guy who hurt my heart. 

"Ana, is this time since when did you go out like this?"  

 "Since I came of age, don't forget I'm 19 years old now!" 

"That's absurd, it can't be that time!" 

"Absurd, are you sure you want to fight with me at this hour anyway?" 

"My house, my rules, young ladies, if your father let you, that was his problem, but I don't want this anymore! 

"I'm glad the lady spoke up, that got to the point I wanted! Yeah, well, it's been too long to understand that I've grown up that there's no point in putting useless rules on me anymore being that you're wrong mom." 

"Why am I wrong, Ana?" 

"Do you really want to know? So you think being right comes along now and just decides that things have to be your way the way they always have been? You never cared about my feelings or what I felt, you just wanted to live and you lied to me and now you come here wanting to do it your way, but I'm not moving in with my father.

"Ana, come back here, haven't we finished this conversation yet?" 

"Love, let her what she is doing and wrong she grew up understand that!" 

"Philip, it's wrong for your son to be married to a woman who doesn't love him. 

When my mother said this I heard it and was floored. Now my world really fell apart and all my feelings that still existed for Brian ended right here and now. I went back and asked my mother to say again what she had said to my stepfather. 

"Mom, did Brian get married?"

"You married my daughter and when you said he wasn't for you I knew why!" 

By this time my heart had taken a stab and I couldn't control my emotion and cried so desperately that my mother and stepfather didn't know what to do. You know when you believe that you can still live the impossible love? That's what I stupidly believed and never gave a chance for a new romance while the handsome one was already married! 

What a feeling of hatred I felt and I went to my room, tore up all my memories that existed of us and anything that could remind me of him. Only I knew what I was feeling and no one else and quickly my mother not knowing what to do called my asking for help. 

"Hi, I was wondering if you could come over and help our daughter?" 

"What have you done with Ana?" 

"Just come and don't ask questions!"

My mother was always authoritarian, she never said that some day she could be wrong, she was always right, never in any case confessed her mistake in something. Things had to be just the way she said they would be completely wrong. 

As soon as my father arrived, I was completely out of control not because Brian had gotten married but because of my foolishness in believing that we could be together. My father then came to talk to me and I became calmer and that is when I asked my mother to tell me everything that had happened during this time.  

Then she told me that Brian had recently married a girl who had gotten pregnant with his child and that the father of this girl was a very dangerous gangster who got involved with her one night and got her pregnant that very night. 

With no way out, he must get married and that guarantees that he does not love her and never did. Brian was living and in these crazy adventures this happened. Only my mother said that Brian had never even mentioned my name, which gave him the idea that he had forgotten me for good. 

So she always told me that he didn't deserve it and to prevent my suffering he agreed to marry his father and only then would we be brothers and never get involved again.

"Yes, and I promise mom I will forget about him and if he happens to show up I will treat him like my brother I promise!" 

Since that day I knew the whole truth I never touched Brian's name again! And now who was living is me without thinking about tomorrow and of course my mother and I always fought, but she understood that I was happy this way and ended up accepting my new phase.

I confess that it was not easy, but with time I was adapting and my heart had frozen just like when Elza froze her sister Ana's heart in the movie 'Frozen'. 

Talking like this, it seems that I am living in a movie! But no, this is my life, the purest reality of someone who has really suffered for love.

I didn't care anymore when my stepfather talked to him on the phone and I knew that he asked about me, because my stepfather was left without an answer to his question and always preferred to talk to him SOS. It no longer belonged to me because it was a past that I decided to forget when he forgot me, so to me it was insignificant. Sometimes God allows things to happen for us to understand that it really wasn't meant to be.

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