
We're Just Friends
We're Just Friends
Author: Blackrose0231


Gray puffs feathered and pushed in a dark wall across the stormy sky. A crack of thunder that seemed to echo, boomed past her ears. If she had known, she would have stayed back home instead of the surprise visit.

The scent of earthy soil seeped through Becky's nose as she trudged along the quiet crosswalk with trembling limbs and shuffling footsteps as she made her way home. The cool breeze blew her brown hair across her eyes, and she tucked them back. Distance voices chattered as the howling sound of cold air shushed.

Her skin stung with cold, her pants cuffs fluttering against her ankles, and her flared blouse flapping and ruffling against her body. There was tightness in her chest and limbs, and as she dragged her feet down the road in hunched shoulders and bent back, a dull aching pain crept through her throat. She was trying hard not to cry.

She forced her eyes to a squint to keep them from drying out, then the tears began. Her vision blurred and the world around her began to spin and slow down.

The security and stability that engulfed her world was the reason Becky knew that she had found her true love. And why wouldn't she? There was a steady amount of trust between them, so she never got to worry about him breaking up or leaving her abruptly. He was a real man who was courteous, kind, and reliable.

What else could you call a man who nourished and strengthened your relationship through ongoing, honest communication and teamwork other than a real man?

He accepted all of her, supported her, listened to her and even made her laugh whenever she was feeling blue. How could he suddenly change? Why had he changed?

Had all the memories they'd shared together meant nothing to him?

Becky's mind went back to the scene she'd just witnessed, and just like a flood, the tears streamed down her already swollen eyes. She wanted to wake up from the agonizing nightmare. Their engagement party was to be hosted in a week's time. He was a lover of hers that wasn't supposed to leave.

His words rang again in her head, "there was no spark in the beginning, but you got along and hoped things would get better, and they just never did."

There was a huge lie in his words. It might have been true that she was the one who loved him first, but there was certainly a spark. They both loved each other, else, why would he remain with her for five years and not break up?

"Things were moving so fast, and I'm just not ready to commit to a relationship like that, you know?"

He was cruel and harsh. There was no doubt about it. Life was truly unfair. How was she supposed to go on with her life? Without him in it, everything would seem... Incomplete.

How was she ever going to trust any man again?

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