
Chapter : 4. Still a long day ahead..


I was confused about what just happened or what Jordan meant by that. So, I decided to talk to him about it later. But for now, I have to talk to Mr Hance about the project first.

“What is this Ana? You failed to submit your project again? I gave you two extra days to finish it, but you still failed to do it. How long will this go on for? Just because you live in foster care, do you expect everyone to have pity on you and pass you on tests? Those days are over now. You left me with no choice but to fail you this semester.”

“Sir, please. Give me one more day. I will give you the papers by tomorrow. I promise. I just need one more day. Please, sir. I beg you.” He took a deep breath as he gave it another thought.,

“Fine. I’ll give you another opportunity. I’m going to call your foster parents and let them know what you’re doing in college. And if they promise me that you’ll do better in the future, I will give you two more days to finish the project.” My eyes went wide the moment he mentioned calling my foster parents.

“What? No. No, you can’t call them. I swear I will do better in the future. You can fail me if I don’t. But please don’t call them.”

“I have already made up my mind. You are dismissed.”

“Please, sir. I..”

“I said, you are dismissed. Leave my office right now.” Having no choice, I got out of his office, shaking in fear of what was about to come. Tonight I’m going to get a glimpse of the hell again.

My breathing was getting heavy and my eyesight dark, as if I was having a panic attack. So, before I create a scene in front of other students, I thought to find a quiet place to overcome it. But little did I know that the room I had selected would be hiding another shock for me behind its door.

I had no idea that there would be people in the store room of our college, and as soon as I opened the door I was stunned to see two half-naked people having s*x in there. The girl was lying on an old table with her legs up on the guy’s shoulder, as he kept thrusting inside her hard and fast. They were both moaning and grunting like wild animals until I barged in and startled them.

Now I would have immediately left the scene to give them privacy, but knowing those two way too well, I was unable to move. I couldn’t believe my eyes that I was seeing my biggest bully Nora with my crush Jordan. How did they two end up together?

“Do you mind? We’re in the middle of something here..” I was expecting that Jordan would be guilty of getting caught like that right after fifteen to twenty minutes of expressing his feelings for me. But it was quite the opposite.

“I don’t understand. Why? I thought... I thought you liked me. You just said so about twenty minutes ago..”

“That? It was a lie to see how far you can go for me. Everyone knows you have a crush on me. So, I thought maybe I could get something from you if I pretended to like you back. Only if I knew that you are as dry as a log..”

“But... But you were so nice to me. You were so kind to everyone..”

“I’m the class president. I have a face to maintain in front of the students to keep my place. Unlike you. Do you think anyone would care about a pathetic loser like you if it wasn’t for a purpose? You’re really a dumb bi*ch to even think that someone like you can have someone like me. I’m like the sun and you’re like the dirt of a gutter. Smelly and disgusting. Now leave me alone. I don’t want to see your ugly face anymore.” I was too stunned to move from my place until Nora took it upon herself.

“What are you still standing here for? Didn’t you hear what he said? Get out now. Let us finish. And stay away from him.” She literally pushed me out of the storeroom before closing the door right in my face.

There’s a suffocation in my chest and a burn in my heart as if I just lost someone important. Being insulted as an ugly and worthless person by the only one I thought was on my side, I’m somewhere broken from the inside. But there’s no tears involved in it. Maybe I have run out of tears at last. Besides. It’s not like I ever had him as mine.

The college ended and as usual, I went to pick up the kids before I went home. But there was something different about me today. I was less attentive and more silent, walking like a soulless zombie without a single thought.

“Ana? Are you okay? You look pale.”

“Yeah. I’m fine.” Am I?

Upon reaching the apartment, I heard Theo’s cry from outside. Selena must have forgotten to feed him again.

“Hey! It’s okay. I’m here now.”

I picked him up from the same playpen I had left him in. And from the weight of his diaper, I understood that he’d been here the whole day without anyone’s care. So, I cleaned him up and fed him before lulling him to sleep.

“Selena. We’re out of groceries.” She was there. She was right in the living room, slumped down on a couch and watching TV while her husband was out to work. But still, she couldn’t hear the cries of a little soul for some love as she never heard mine before.

“Yeah. Here’s a hundred. Make sure you get at least a week’s worth of food.” I took the money and was going out grocery shopping when she stopped me.

“And, Ana? I got a call from your professor today. Come to talk when Hector’s home.” My steps froze. I completely forgot that Professor Hance was going to call them about the project. So, this is not the end of my tragic day. I still have a long day ahead.

With a fear in my heart, I finished shopping and it was late by the time I arrived at our apartment door. I know Hector is back by now and waiting to give me my punishment. And I know how it’s going to end up. I could feel my body shake at the thought of the future and my heart kept screaming to me- ‘Don’t go inside’. But there are kids in there waiting for me, hungry and scared. I have to go in for them. I have to face my fate.

Taking a deep breath, I made myself ready to go through the hell that was about to break on me, but surprisingly everything was calm as I walked inside.

“What took you so long? Hurry up and make dinner. Hector’s hungry.”

“Yes. I’ll be done soon.” It felt like I could breathe again when I realized they must have forgotten about the call. That means no punishment for me.

With joy of the moment, I forgot all about my tragic day and cooked something delicious for everyone with a smile on my face. It was even better when I got to eat dinner after starving for the whole day and no one restricted me from it. At the end of the day, I got changed in my nightdress and just sat on my table to finish the project by the night no matter how, when I got a call from Selena.

“Ana. Hector wants you out in the living room with all the kids. Now.” My face immediately dropped. I know what this is about. I’ve been here long enough to know what it means when they call everyone outside. It’s a lesson time.

“Ana? What did we do? Why are they mad at us?” Lyla started panicking along with Daisy and Michael as they jumped down from their bunk beds and rushed to hug me.

“Shh.. Don’t cry. It’s not you. It’s me. Please don’t make a sound. Be quiet, okay? You can do this. I know you are strong and brave. Please, don’t make a sound. Please..” My hands were shaking like a leaf on a storm, as I pulled the kids for a hug. Even my eyes couldn’t hold onto my tears anymore. I’m scared. I’m too scared.

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