
Chapter 8

The following day…..

Izzy is awake. She walks out of the room to the kitchen to grab something to drink when she finds Bernice making breakfast.

“Oh you slept over?” Izzy asks.

“Yes I did. Which you would know if only you were paying attention last night, but you weren’t cause your mind was preoccupied with something else. Now would you want to tell me what happened in the house yesterday? Cause Izzy, you’re my best friend and believe it or not, I know you so well and i know when something is bothering you.”

Izzy gives off a forced laugh and whispers that “ everything is okay. You don’t have to worry so much about me”.

Bernice paces to Izzy and gives a tight hug. She whispers to her and says, “i know everything is not well. I also know you’re hurting and if it were that easy to talk about about, you would already, but i want you to know that i love you and I’m always here for you.”

Izzy holds onto Bernice and little longer and takes in a deep breathe.

“Now lets get something to
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