
Draco's POV - Netherworld... journey

As I sored through the sky,towards the virgin mythical lands that would lead me towards the Netherworld, my heart began to race with excitement,a little fear and a lot of anticipation. I had heard stories of that dark and dangerous place, but nothing could have prepared me for what lay ahead.

The mythical lands unfolded beneath me in a blur of vibrant colors and dizzying heights. I soared over snow-capped mountains, past sprawling forests and verdant meadows, and over crystal clear rivers that shimmered in the sunlight.

But as I drew closer to the Netherworld, the scenery began to change. The sky darkened, and the air grew thick with a sense of foreboding. The once,beautiful landscape now twisted and distorted, the trees and plants withering and dying in my wake.

I encountered fierce winds and powerful storms that threatened to knock me off course. Lightning flashed all around me, striking the earth with a deafening roar. It was as if the very elements themselves were fighting against
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