


The next day, I found myself standing before the dean's office, nerves fluttering within me. Glancing around anxiously, I hesitated before finally rapping on the door. Memories of the seniors' humiliating treatment flooded my mind.

Their actions in class were bad enough, but it was the extent of their mistreatment, not just towards me but everyone else, that truly appalled me. As a girl living independently, I refused to accept such injustice any longer. Determined, I resolved to ensure that no one else would suffer as I did the day before.

I questioned myself, "Am I doing right or wrong?" Finally summoning the courage, I approached the door and knocked. "Come in," a voice beckoned from the other side. As I entered, the dean greeted me with a smile. "Good morning, sir."

"Good morning. What brings you here? Miss..." the dean trailed off, struggling to recall my name.

"Aoife Marshall. Sir, as you mentioned yesterday, your college has a strict policy against bullies." My confident tone seemed to catch the dean's attention.

"Yes," he acknowledged, prompting me to step closer to his brown wooden desk.

"I am here to file a complaint against Xander Baston, Victor, and Zareena." I expected a more concerned response from the dean, but what came next shook me to my core.

"Who?" he asked, his tone betraying confusion.

"Xander, Zareena, and Victor," I reiterated, hoping for a more attentive reaction.

“Miss Marshall, I would suggest you calm down,” he advised sternly.

“But sir, yesterday after the lecture, he humiliated me in front of everyone. Who made these stupid rules for first-year students, and how—” I began, but was swiftly interrupted.

“Miss Marshall, I am sure you have done something wrong. Respect your seniors and we will talk later. I have much work to do,” the dean cut me off brusquely, displaying little interest in my concerns.

Disheartened, I made my way out, realizing he would be of no help. As I exited the office, my eyes met Zareena and Victor, who were waiting outside, likely to further humiliate me.

"Poor thing. Need a shoulder to cry on?" Zareena taunted as I kept my eyes low, hurrying past them to avoid their torment. "We gotta show her who's boss," Victor whispered to her, loud enough for me to catch. Picking up my pace, I put as much distance between us as I could. 

Reaching my next class, Luka and Clara rushed towards me. "Where were you?" Clara blurted out. "What went down yesterday?" Luka asked in the same breath. "Did you go to the dean's office? What's the deal?" 

Exhaling a frustrated sigh, I ruminated on how the campus system seemed utterly inept at handling bullying. "Yeah, I paid the dean a visit. Needed to call out Xander, Victor, and Zareena." 

"What?!" Luka's voice rose. "But why Zareena?" Clara asked, bewildered.


After the incident at the assembly hall, I made my way back to my room in the girls' dormitory, a ten-minute walk from the college. It was a sprawling place where most of the girls resided.

As soon as I entered my room, I swiftly began arranging my things. I put away all my belongings, set up posters, planners, and everything I'd need for the year ahead. Exhausted from the activity, I decided to have a hot shower before heading out for dinner.

Just as I was about to enter the bathroom, a knock on my door interrupted me.

"Who is it?" I asked cautiously.

"Open the door," came the voice from the other side.

I cautiously cracked open the door, only for the girls to barge in uninvited.

"What the hell is this?" I exclaimed, startled.

"Look down," one of the girls whispered, signaling their seniority. "So, I heard what you did back in the canteen."

This time, I kept quiet. I didn't want any drama from my side to give them any reason to bully me.

"I'm sorry," I finally responded, hoping to defuse the situation.

It was mere seconds before they ransacked my belongings, throwing my clothes on the floor, ripping my planner, and scattering my books. Despite the turmoil, I made a silent vow to keep my composure. "I’m Zareena, and I will ensure you behave here," she declared, deliberately pouring orange juice onto my bed. My anger simmered within, tempting me to retaliate physically. Fortunately, the hazing didn’t last long. After a few warnings, Zareena left the room with a cynical smile.

Feeling the rage bubbling inside me, I fought the urge to resort to violence. “Isn't it strange how emotions find their way out when you can't express them outwardly, it finds a way out through your tears?" I mused to myself.

My planner and books were scattered across the floor, with an empty, wet bed beckoning me to sit and survey the chaos. I observed, as I mentally prepared myself to clean up the mess.

Tomorrow, I resolved to speak to the dean about these individuals. Otherwise, enduring such treatment would become increasingly difficult.


Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Sandra Stevens
that bullies should be sorted out

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