
Chapter 5: My Greek God


“ slapped me? How dare you?” Max became furious, clutching his red cheek.

“A cheater like you deserves it,” Lillian blurted out.

“Mind your language, bitch. You can’t say bad things about my boyfriend,” Tessa, Max’s girlfriend, pushed me hard, almost making me stumble.

Lisa quickly grabbed me to support my balance. "Hey, calm down, Tessa. Let's not make things worse."

Tessa sneered, "Stay out of this, Lisa. This is between Lily and me."

Lillian, still seething with anger, shot back, "You can defend him all you want, but the truth won't change. Max is scum, and you're just as bad for being with him."

Max's face turned even redder with rage. "That's it, I've had enough of your mouth!"

Before anyone could react, Max lunged forward, his hand raised as if to strike back.

Lisa’s boyfriend intervened, grabbing Max's hand from behind to prevent him from attacking Lillian. Angrily, Lisa stepped forward, saying, “What a coward, trying to raise your hand against a woman. You're a piece of crap. You cheated on my friend, and now you're here with your slut to bully her! What a disgrace!”

“If anyone should be ashamed, it's your friend Lisa, who doesn't even know how to salvage her own relationship. I only put your ugly friend in her place. She's nothing but garbage!” Max retorted.

This time, Lillian stepped forward, her head held high. She couldn't allow Max to badmouth her and win tonight. Enough was enough.

“Max, the only ugly person here is you. Cheating on your girlfriend of six years for some side chick, having sex with other girls while still expecting money from me for your show-off. You're the scammer, Max. The truth is, I despise you. I caught you both red-handed, naked in bed, and I left you like a piece of dirty used tissue from my life,” Lillian blurted out, relishing the change of color in his face.

“You.. you..” Max fumed with rage, but Lillian didn't let him get a word in.

“And listen carefully. I've got my new boyfriend already. He's a thousand times better than you, you ugly cheater. He's so good at loving me that I already forgot about you in our first night together! Thanks to your cheating, I've got a chance to leave trash like you and find someone more handsome and rich!”

With that, Lillian grabbed Lisa's hand and left those dirty people behind, their shocked faces trailing behind them.

Half an hour later,

Lillian grabbed another glass of drinks and gulped it down, getting totally drunk in a corner of the party. An aching pain throbbed in her heart. “How can he say those vile things about me!” Lillian wondered, grabbing yet another glass of alcohol.

First, because of this jerk, she wasted six years of her life. Then, she was heartbroken and lost her virginity to a stranger, and now her work life was a mess.

Suddenly, her phone rang. Shakily, she tried to grab her phone and answered the call without checking the caller ID.

“Ms. Sterling, I believe you’re supposed to send me tomorrow’s meeting materials and my schedule. What the hell are you even doing?” Ryan’s angry voice came from the other side.

“Hey... you... Mr. Grumpy... haha...” Lillian mumbled under the influence of alcohol.

“Where are you?” Ryan became serious hearing her babbling. “You’re drinking again?”

“Easy there, darling... I’m just enjoying my life... I’ve got a glass full of drinks... lots of handsome guys around... I’m happy.” Lillian giggled drunkenly.

“Share me your location,” Ryan ordered in a dreadful voice. Ignoring his order, Lillian teased him, “Why? Listen, I can take care of myself. I even slapped that cheating jerk in front of his bitch girlfriend and told everyone that I broke up with him because Max cheated on me.”

“You what? Listen, stay away from any man and just stay there. Okay?” Lillian could hear Ryan starting his car’s engine and giggled again.

“You’re coming, Mr. Grumpy? For me?” Lillian chuckled and impulsively shared her location due to the influence of alcohol.

“Be a good girl, okay. I’m coming.” This time Ryan sounded worried as he started driving.

“Why? Jealous that I’m with another man? Are you my boyfriend, huh? Just sleeping one night together doesn’t mean anything, okay?” Lillian couldn’t finish her babbling as Ryan hung up the call already.

“You grumpy, bad boss. How dare you hang up on me...” Lillian cursed Ryan, glancing at the phone screen.

Seeing Lillian in a mess, Lisa came to her, frowning. “Hey, you’re drunk. Stop drinking and go home, okay? I’m calling a taxi for you.”

Seeing Lisa, Lillian hugged her like a little baby, giggling. “Lis... I’m happy. Don’t worry about me.”

When Lillian caught sight of Lisa, she wrapped her up in a hug like a giggly toddler. "Lis... I'm just... happy. Don't sweat it."

"Yeah, I can see that. So, can you make it home on your own, or do I need to find someone to babysit you?"

"No... no... no cab... my Greek god's on his way to scoop me up..." Lillian chuckled, riding high.

"Your what? Lily, you're sloshed. How come you're such a lightweight with booze?" Lisa tried to hoist her up, slipping an arm around her shoulder. Just when it seemed like Lillian might topple over, a pair of strong arms swooped in to steady her.

"Sorry, my friend here's as drunk as a pig. I was just helping her up," Lisa apologized to the man, stealing a glance at him.

"It's all good. I'm here for her. I'll take her home," Ryan replied, his voice soft yet firm, leaving Lisa dumbstruck as she gazed at his handsome face.

"I told you, Lis... here's my Greek god," Lillian giggled, watching Lisa's stunned expression as Ryan scooped her up into his arms. Lillian wrapped her shaky hand around his neck, resting her head on his chest.

"You really came... my Greek god," Lillian chuckled softly, her words barely audible.

"Yeah, I came for you. And from now on, nobody messes with my girl," Ryan declared, before swiftly carrying her away, leaving the guests speechless.

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