

“With that been said, I’ll love to retire to my bed now. I need to sleep, I have a very long day tomorrow” Amelia said clearing off the plates from the table into the kitchen.

“Wait up sis, I have something that I wanna discuss with you” Brie said to Amie.

“ Oh  alright then, I could spare a few minutes of my beauty sleep time” Amie replied.

“Meet me in my room when you’re done washing the plates” She added.

“Alright sis, thank you” Brie replied as she walked into the kitchen to wash the dishes.

Few minutes later, Bridget was already done doing the dishes when one of her younger brothers stopped her to speak with her.

“Hey big sis, can you spare me few minutes of your time?” Micah asked.

“Yeah sure. What’s up?” She replied.

“Well, I don’t know if you’ve noticed but ever since you’ve been coming to pick us from school, there has always been a different note placed underneath my locker every single day” Micah said

“ I don’t understand. What do you mean?” Brie asked.

“ What I’m trying to say is that, ever since you started coming to pick Sam and I up from school, there has always been a note that we always meet inside our lockers whenever we get to school the next day and it’s always the same message that is written in the note” Micah said to his sister, feeling very frightened.

“Well what does the note say?” Brie asked.

“ The note says “ Tell your sister I’m coming for her” That is what is always written on the note” Replied Micah.

“The confusing thing is, I have two sisters, so which one of you is the sender talking about? This is very cringe if you ask me and I’ve been so scared since I’ve started getting those notes” Micah said to his sister with a shaky voice and trembling hands.

“ Have you told anyone about this asides me? She asked.

“No I haven’t”

“ Alright then, don’t worry, if you see another note on Monday at school, bring it home and show it to me. Meanwhile, I’ll discuss this with Big Sis Amie tonight so we can know what to do. Just relax and don’t overthink this okay? Brie said to her brother.

“Alright sis, if you say so. Goodnight” Micah said turning to climb up the stairs to his bedroom.

“What exactly is going on? Who can this person be and why is he or she after Big Sis Amie? What exactly has she done? Bridget thought as she climbed the stairs going to her sisters’ room to discuss what it is she wanted to discuss with her.

  Inside the bedroom, Amie sat up on her bed reading a novel as she usually does before going to bed every night. She was already starting to feel sleepy and was beginning to wonder why Bridget was taking so long before she heard a knock on her door.

Come in Brie, it’s about time, I’ve been waiting for you” Amie said as she watched Bridget walk into the room with worry and anxiety showing all over her face.

“What is it and why do you look like you’re about to cry?” Amie asked Bridget

“Big sis, I think there’s a problem, and it’s either you’re in danger or the danger is you” Bridget said to her sister feeling so worried.  

“What do you mean by that Brie?” Amie as asked, siting up and dropping the novel she was reading.

“ Well, Big sis, remember the man I said usually tail me anytime I’m walking home by myself? The man we identified as your ex?

“ Yes I remember Brie. That my stupid ex that wanted to cause us trouble a year ago. Why bring him up now? What’s going on Brie?” Amie asked her sister in confusion feeling very anxious.

“Big sis Amie”Brie started to speak but her voice trailed off due to so much fear.

“Bridget, you’re scaring me, what is going on?”

“ The man has started to tail us again. “ Brie finally said.

“Wait, I don’t understand. What do you mean by tail us ? Who are the Us? Amie asked feeling very scared at this point.

“Christian has started to tail us again. He has even dragged in Micah and Samuel. “ Brie responded.

“ How do you mean?” Amie asked

“Just this evening, before I walked into your room after washing plates, Micah stopped me and asked if he could speak to me and I said yes. I asked him what the problem was and he told me that ever since I’ve stated going to pick he and Sam from school, whenever they get to their lockers the following day, they would both always meet a note in their different lockers. And according to him, the notes always read the same thing.” Bridget explained to Amie.

“What is always written on the note?” Amie asked.

“The note always read, “ Tell your sister I’m coming for her”  Brie answered.

This is getting out of hands already. And are you sure he’s the same person putting those notes in Sam and Micah’s lockers? Amie asked, trying so hard to understand why her ex-boyfriend came back after two years of not hearing anything from him after the last disaster that he caused.

“ Yes sis, it has to be him because no other person has a reason to do such a thing on a daily if not a deranged psychopath who is clearly still obsessed with you. My gosh!! How did you date that man for a two years sis? Brie said to Amie showing concern yet disgust in her voice.

“Calm down Brie, tell Micah and Sam to calm down and be sure to bring the note home on monday so that I can report this to the authorities as soon as possible. For now, let’s not alert our parents yet so they wouldn’t start to worry. I’ll take things up from here. You can go to bed now.” Amie said to her sister giving her a comforting hug.

“Alright sis, goodnight and please be careful when you go out” Brie said in response.

“You be careful too and be vigilant” Amie replied.

“Sleep well Big sis” said Brie as she stood up and reached for the door knob, opening the door and shutting it behind her.

“Why has Christian decided to come back after a whole year ?” Amie thought to herself as she sunk into her bed, covering herself with her duvet.

“I must get to the root of all these. I really hope he didn’t come back to cause me and my family any trouble. Not even now that I’m about to start a new job. She kept thinking till she finally gave way for sleep to engulf her.

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