

As at 5am in the morning, Amie’s alarm rang and she got up to do her house chores and cook for the family.As soon as she woke up, she dashed to the kitchen to pick up the sweeping brush and began sweeping the whole house. After forty-five whole minutes she was done sweeping, she went into the kitchen to start cooking. It was a Saturday morning and she had already thought of the food to prepare before she went to bed the previous night so it wasn’t hard for her to know what to cook. She had decided to task herself and prepare everyone’s best meal at least to make everybody happy, so she picked up two big pots and started the preparation for the cooking. As challenging as this idea was, she tried as much as possible to be quite enough so as not to wake anybody up. It took her two hours to finish cooking and set the table before going to have her bath.

“All done” Amie said to herself feeling very fulfilled that she was able to pull her idea of preparing everyone’s favorite dish for breakfast.

“Now I can go have my bath before coming down to have breakfast “ She thought.

“Good morning Big sis Amie, I can see you’ve prepared breakfast” said Sam, Amie’s youngest brother, making her scared a bit as she didn’t hear him come down the stairs.

“Oh my goodness Sam, you scared me” Amie said, flashing her brother a smile.

“Oh I’m sorry about that, didn’t mean to scare you” Sam apologized.

“It’s fine, good morning, did you sleep well?” Amie asked.

“Yes I did. Breakfast smells so good I can’t wait to come down and eat” Sam said in excitement.

“Well, why don’t you go brush your teeth and then come down to have breakfast” Amie said to him.

“And also,wake everyone up and tell them to brush their teeth and come down for breakfast. I’m going to have my bath because right after breakfast I’m heading out” Amie added almost immediately.

“Alright Big sis Amie, as you say” replied Sam who happily skipped up the stair case to relay the message and brush his teeth. He was already starving and he couldn’t wait to see what his sister had prepared for breakfast.

Sam had always been the clown in the family but could be very emotional when it comes to things concerning his family. Though he always tries to hide it but, he cares about everyone around him and he is ready to do anything to make his family happy. He is also very protective of his big sisters and he shows it everywhere they go, by getting close to their friends so he can know what type of people his sisters are moving with and if their friends are good influences on them. Even though he is the youngest in the family, he is almost the most mature of all of Amie’s siblings.

Sam climbed the stairs,  knocked on Brie’s door twice before entering when he heard no response from his big sister.

“ Hey Brie, come on wake up, it’s time to brush your teeth and come down for breakfast. Big sis Amie has prepared breakfast” Sam said, shaking his sister vigorously.

“Uhhhmm, okay okay, fine I’ll get up” Bridget replied, obviously still feeling sleepy.

“You better get up before Big sis Amie comes to wake you up herself. Besides it’s already past  seven, shouldn’t you be up by now?” Sam said to Bridget before stepping out of her room to wake Micah, his older brother.

  Micah, the third child of the family, and the first son,  has always been the reserved kind of guy. Always very quite and easily gets scared, which is why his room is right beside that of their parents. Right from when he was a child, he had been dealing with nightmares, and initially he would always sleep beside his parents until he clocked twelve years of age and he decided to start sleeping in his own room to conquer his fears. Asides from all of these, he is very caring and affectionate. He loves his sisters so much that he always wants to get back from school so early to play with his sisters. He and Sam often fight, but they love each other and are very close as well. They wear the same colors of clothes that people often think they are twins. They buy the same clothes and the same shoes and they also love the same sport which is volleyball and football. They go to school together and they come back together.

“Mic, time to wake up. Go and brush so you can come down for breakfast” Sam said to Micah who immediately stood up and rushed to the bathroom after hearing breakfast was ready.

“Can you imagine, he didn’t say good morning to me before going into the bathroom” Sam said as he stood up and left Micah’s room to check on his parents.

     Mr and Mrs Roberts were married for seven years without a child when they suddenly got a call that Sarah’s younger sister and her family had gotten into an accident on their way back home from her place. Sarah and her husband drove straight to the hospital they were taken to only to be told that her younger sister and her husband were severely injured and due to excessive bleeding had lost their lives. Meanwhile their little daughter, Amelia, who also sustained lots of injuries was in intensive care and would be needing a blood transfusion. Sarah gave her blood and took care of Amelia for three weeks till she finally got discharged. From then on, they adopted Amelia and she became their first child. Three years later they gave birth to Bridget who came with so many complications but still survived. When Bridget clocked two, and Amelia, eleven, Sarah gave birth to Micah, a very healthy baby boy. And a year later they had Samuel, though he was delivered prematurely, due to the weak genes Sarah had, but the baby still survived. Sarah and her husband Emmanuel, loved all of their children unconditionally, and treated them equally. They raised all their children in love and unity. Although things got rough along the way, they never for once regretted having a large family. Instead they would always find ways to make sure they provide for their children, and gave them good education and that included Amelia, who has always been a good girl since she entered their home even up until now.  

  After leaving Micah’s room, Sam went straight to his parents room to check up on them. He knocked three times before he got a "come in" from his dad.

“Good morning dad, good morning mum, Big sis Amie said to go brush your teeth and come down for breakfast” Sam said hugging his dad and mum.

“You mean your sister has cooked breakfast? Mrs Sarah asked her son.

“Yes mum, she has. She woke up early today to cook breakfast” Sam replied.

“Wow, alright then, we’ll come down soon son” Said his dad.

“Alright dad, see you, I’m going to brush my teeth too” Sam said, leaving his parents room to his room to brush his teeth and go down for breakfast.


“Good morning mum, did you sleep well?” Nelson said to his mum, Mrs Annabel Rodriguez.

“Good morning my son, yes I did. I hope you did as well. I know you came in late last night and you were still up till around past three” Mrs Annabel replied.

“Woah mum, how did you know that ?” Nelson asked his mum, clearly surprised she knew that he was still awake at 3am in the morning.

“Oh come on, I came to check up on you in your room around twelve forty-five and you weren’t in yet, then I heard your car come in when I got back into my room. And as at three I came out to get water to drink and I saw the lights in your study was still on which meant you were working overnight again. So don’t ask me how I knew, I’m your mother so I’d know these things” His mom replied, feeling sorry for her son.

“Oh wow, alright mum, you got me there. Well, I did sleep well, but my sleep time was short” Replied his mom, picking up an apple from the fruit basket that gracefully sat in the middle of the dinning table in Nelson’s mansion.

“You really need to take it easy on yourself son. Why not get a wife who can be a companion to you and spice up your life. You’re 27 years old and you don’t even have a relationship not to talk of having a wife. That’s bad son” His mom said, trying to persuade her son to see reasons why he needs to get married.

“Oh no mom, please don’t start on that topic this morning. I have a business meeting in less than an hour and I need to go to the office to approve the salary budget list of my new employees. I need a clear head to do all of these things, so please mum, just have your breakfast and let me eat in peace” Nelson pleaded trying to avoid the marriage topic with his mom as he wasn’t even ready to hear any of it.

“I’m just looking out for you my son” His mom said

“I know mum, but I’m not in for a relationship right now. I don’t have that time. I’d rather focus on my job for now and get things moving” Nelson replied his mum.

“But you already have more than enough money that is even enough for more than five generations to spend, so why are you not considering getting married? You need a woman in your life you know that right ? His mom asked him.

“Well, I don’t think I need a woman at this point of my life mom, so for now, please don’t talk about it” Nelson said, standing up from the dinning table, picking up his phone and getting ready to leave for his meeting.

“Bye mom. Have a nice day, I’ll see you later” He added, pecking his mom before dashing out the door to his car which was already waiting for him in front of the door.


”Thanks for the food Big sis. It was really delicious”  said Sam and Micah almost at the same time.

“You’re welcome” Amie replied getting up to clear her plates and pick up her keys to leave.

“I can see you’re going out, where are you going to?” Mrs Sarah asked, looking up from her food to Amie.

“Oh I’m so sorry mum, sorry dad, remember I told you that I now have a new job yeah, well I’d be going to the saloon to do my hair and from there I’d be going shopping. I need to get new office wears” Amie explained.

“Oh alright then, be careful” her dad said.

“Of course dad, see you guys later” Amie said, dashing out the door to get her day started.

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