
Chapter 155: The Heart of the Forest

The aftermath of the battle left us little time to rest. Silverwood Falls was in a state of fragile peace, but we all knew it wouldn't last. The dark force beneath the seal was still a looming threat, and its power was growing. Lila and I spent hours poring over ancient texts and discussing our next move.

"We need to reinforce the seal," Lila said, her voice steady but urgent. "But it won't be easy. The spell requires rare components found only in the heart of the forest."

I nodded, feeling the weight of her words. "Then we have no choice. We have to go there."

Nathanial, despite his injuries, had been listening quietly. Now, he stepped forward, determination in his eyes. "I'm coming with you, Emily."

I started to protest, but he cut me off. "I'm not staying behind while you face this danger alone. We need each other, now more than ever."

His words touched my heart, and I knew there was no changing his mind. "Alright," I agreed. "But you have to promise to be careful."

The next mornin
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