

A cold wind flowed slowly through the dark, stone corridor, carrying with it an unnerving moaning like whispers. From out of the darkness, a lone, cloaked figure stepped forth. Its robes were lined with mysterious hexagonal designs, and its ghostly white hands hung by its side. The figure stood still in the middle of the corridor as the moaning sound escalated as though something was drawing near.

The walls of the corridor began to distort slightly as if the cloaked figure was staring right through the transparent shroud of something otherworldly. Without flinching or even so much as saying a word, the figure nodded its head and turned to walk back into the darkness.

The trip through the pitch-black hallway was slow and seemed to last an eternity, the sound of the figure’s footsteps echoing loudly. Eventually, a faint light began to seep back into the atm

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