

As we made our way up the stairs to the upper deck, the sounds of the crew grew louder. They were coming, and we had to move faster.

I heard a silent whimper somewhere in the dark corner.

I searched with my eyes carefully to make out a figure weak on the floor. I’m glad I didn’t rush out, I would have left someone behind.

I walked slowly to her and picked her up, “ let m…e go, I’ll drag you girls back. You girls have to run fast, leave me alone and r…un” the dry voice said.

I recognized that voice as clear as I could tell water from acid. She was the first girl who spoke to me the first time I was brought into the ship.

“I won’t let you go, you are coming with us” I said as I picked her up. She was really light, it was obvious that she hadn’t had enough food,how long had she been here? Her skinny bones could pierce me.

As I held her fragile form in my arms, a surge of determination welled up inside me. I couldn't leave her behind to suffer alone in the darkness any longer. With careful steps, I began to lead her out of the shadowy corner, her weight barely registering against me.

"Listen, you're not alone anymore," I whispered softly, trying to reassure her despite the fear in her voice. "We're getting out of here together."

Her grip on me tightened, her trust wavering but still present. I could feel her trembling against me, a testament to the trauma she had endured.

As we made our way towards the dim light at the end of the corridor, I promised myself that I would do whatever it took to keep her safe. No matter the obstacles ahead, we would face them together, not as victims but as survivors.

The woman's determination in the face of such dire circumstances was both heart-wrenching and admirable. I knew she would slow us down, but leaving her behind was not an option.

"We're all in this together," I said, reassuring her. "You're not going to slow us down. We'll find a way to make it work."

The sounds of the crew were drawing closer, and I knew we had to act fast. I motioned for the other girls to follow me, leading them up the stairs towards the deck.

As we ascended the stairs, the weight of our situation pressed down on us like a heavy fog. I could feel the tension in the air, mingled with the palpable fear of what lay ahead. Each step seemed to echo the uncertainty of our journey, yet I remained resolute in my determination to lead us through.

Reaching the deck, I surveyed our surroundings, searching for any signs of hope amidst the darkness. The night sky stretched out above us, a vast expanse of unknown possibilities. But amidst the uncertainty, there was a glimmer of light—a beacon of hope that urged us forward.

Gathering my courage, I turned to the others, my voice steady despite the turmoil within. "We may be facing the unknown, but together, we are stronger than any obstacle that stands in our way. Let's show them what we're made of."

With renewed determination, we set forth into the night, our footsteps echoing with the promise of a brighter tomorrow. And though the path ahead was fraught with challenges, I knew that as long as we stood together, we could overcome anything that dared to stand in our way.

The night air was thick with tension as we crept across the deck, our collective breath mingling with the salty sea spray. The ship seemed to groan and shift beneath our feet, as if it too was aware of our precarious situation.

As we made our way towards the railing, we could hear the voices of the crew echoing through the ship, their harsh words cutting through the silence like a knife. But we pressed on, driven by our desperate need for freedom.

"We can do this," I whispered, my voice barely audible over the crashing of the waves.

We shuffled our way, the loud feet of the men coming our way.

“Boss, she’s no longer where you kept her” a loud voice informed who I believe was my tormentor.

Flashbacks of the constant torture I endured in that godforsaken room hit me like whirlwind. I never want to go back there, they might even kill me this time. My body was already too weak to endure another pound of harm.

“I know a way out,” one of the girls said. I snapped my gaze towards her to see a girl who could be at least nineteen years old, she had her hair dyed purple. “I believe I know a way out,” she repeated. “But, we have to run!” She concluded.

The urgency in the purple-haired girl's voice reverberated through the group, striking each of us like a lightning bolt.

"What is it?" I asked, my voice tinged with desperation. "How can we get out of here?"

The girl's eyes darted around, scanning our surroundings. "There's a lifeboat over there," she whispered, her finger pointing towards the edge of the ship. "If we can get to it, we might be able to row away from here."

“We might not all fit in,” I said, concerned.

“Let's get out of here first,” another girl said.

"Alright," I replied, my tone decisive. "But we need to move quickly. If the crew finds us, we're done for."

The group nodded in agreement, and we began to make our way towards the lifeboat. Our footsteps were light, our movements quick and calculated as we tried to remain undetected.

Suddenly, a loud voice rang out, shattering the silence. "There they are! Stop them!"

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