
Chapter 52 Cocoa


The cup of cocoa is still hot in my hands, but I have yet to taste it. My mind can’t seem to focus, and Maddie quickly diverts me. I can’t help but get lost in her hands. It is mesmerizing to watch her at work. She makes it look so effortless.

I halfway realize It’s comforting to watch her. Something so mundane can help me forget my thoughts. Thoughts that I would gladly forget because I don’t understand, and it scares me.

“You’re rather quiet, Ana.” Maddie goes suddenly. She is still working on my hair, but I can see her brown eyes shift on me.

“Penny for your thoughts?”

“I-Where did you learn all this?” I can’t help but marvel after her. Maddie can even braid my hair without looking down.

“How did you get so good?”

“My mother taught me,” Maddie chuckles and finishes the knot. She steps back to check over the braid.

“Your mother?” I repeat, and Maddie nods before smiling as if she approves her work. She moves for my headdress.

“Uh-huh. Mama taught me and my sisters
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