
Chapter 66 Beware


Though Nochten was a prosperous empire, Mykhol could see Dawny was doing well. Mykhol could find the shadow of wealth amongst the King’s study: silk curtains, fur rugs, gold trim. The human kingdom was starting to lean into its new wealth.

But it’s a far cry from Nochten’s level. Mykhol scuffed with reassurance. Even with their finery, Dawny was steps behind Nochten. Dawny would never be comparable.

Our very traditions and tastes are just too refined. Mykhol looked over the room with a critical eye. From our dress to the way we run things. Mykhol would always see Nochten as superior.

Thus, Mykhol was not intimidated by his study if that was on purpose. Nor was he uncomfortable with the bald servant who brought him here to wait. Mykhol only minded his time. But eventually, Mykhol grew annoyed the longer he waited.

“Had I known it would take so long, I’d have just declined.” Mykhol tsked. He could already think of a million other things to do right now. Or better, other
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