
Rangers Report

Grace couldn’t find a connection to the last two to go missing to working for any of the subsidiaries of Hectric. So, when she got to the police station, she was glad to hear the news that they found them and were in hospital, but they’d be fine. One was injured, and the other stayed with them as they waited for help. The phone they took with them malfunctioned, and they couldn’t call for help.

The rangers’ dogs did their work and found them within a few days. They needed a miracle, and they got it. There was an article about their job. Showcase their talent and their track record. What made them different from the groups that existed around the country and the world? That would be an interesting article to research, if she didn’t have to worry about eating, or a roof over her head.

“I’m glad they found them. Now, if only we could find something on these others that are missing.” Grace sat in Bart’s office speaking with him as he finished up for the day.

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