
Chapter 84


It wasn’t long before word got around about what happened to Charlie. Additionally, his two friends that were involved were discharged from being warriors and given jail sentences, now stuck in the cells for the foreseeable future. Sam went from being a sub to a permanent trainer for our group.

For strength training that day, Sam set up a circuit for us inside the gym. He went around and paired us off in partners for the different stations. I was, unfortunately, paired with Tina, who was not my favorite person. She’d been a year above me in high school, friends with Alyssa, and was never particularly nice to me.

Fortunately, she wasn’t in a talking mood that day. I got through deadlifts, overhead presses, and walking lunges just fine. Then when we got to the plank station where we had to hold a plank for five minutes straight, Sam came by.

“Nice form, Dale.” He nodded at me. Then he looked over at Tina and said, “Butt down, Mitchell.”

“Are you sucking his cock too, PJ?” Ti
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Comments (6)
goodnovel comment avatar
Totally agree! Every chapter is just another wave of self doubt and pity. Please write a stronger female character. You just spent lines talking about building women up and then she rips herself apart. It is frustrating to read and becoming insulting.
goodnovel comment avatar
Kiera J
I'm getting to the point where the constant self doubt is wearing on me. She ignores the fact that the Moon Goddess blessed her mating with Blake. She seems to think that she should already know everything about being a Luna and that there's no learning involved.
goodnovel comment avatar
Roxy Kohn Fields
I'm about tired of jasmine acting like a wimp.. its getting old and about done reading

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