
Wonderings: Helping Hand

“Can you walk? My car is downstairs, we need to leave right now.” I told her. She nodded and told me that she’ll be able to walk without a problem. When we took our first steps outside of the room, I could feel how tightly she was gripping onto me. She was trying so hard not to fall and I knew she was having a hard time walking. Without a second thought, I picked her up from the floor and I carried her. 

“Wh-what are you doing?” She asked, her voice was shaky but it didn't matter to me. What mattered to me was that I’ll be able to take her away from here. We went down to the ground floor using the elevator and I went out of the apartment complex and to my car. Aira opened the back seat door for me so I could safely put Amelia in. 

“Aira?” Amelia called out to Aira and tears started streaming down her fac

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