
Chapter 19 - Dragon Girl, Part 2

Although some Dragons are capable of taking on a humanoid form; being in that form, they retain all their abilities from their dragon form, which means that in their humanoid form they possess their racial dragon class.

But this does not happen with Ingrid, in her Dragonic form she uses her racial dragon class and in her humanoid form she changes all her levels to a character class (which cannot be changed), in the case of Ingrid in her humanoid form she She is a Necromancer.

Indeed, Ingrid is a character with two classes, but these do not affect her maximum character level, since she is not using the multi-class system.

Ingrid parted her tender lips, showing her wet, reptilian-like forked tongue. She licked her lips once in a circle. A fragrant smell came from her mouth.

Although she was a glamorous beauty and could identify as such, due to her apparent age people couldn't help but smile at the contrast. Her height was not enough, even if she wanted to reach out and hug him around her neck, she ended up looking more like she was hanging around her neck. For Zark, who was not used to women, this action felt very provocative. He wanted to step back, but in the end he decided to stay still and not move.

"And they call me my fearless ..." Nyos pronounced "... Show a little restraint ... the things you want to do are not done in public."

For the first time Ingrid reacted to this roar and looked at Nyos with a mocking expression.

"At least I have someone to do it with"

“You are very noisy dwarf; I doubt that Lord Zark will do it with you, having Kiel next to him, a flat chest like you would not have a chance "

"... What nonsense are you saying ...?!"

Ingrid's facade was ruined ... Zark couldn't help but think to himself that even in anger she looked adorable.

Ingrid having revealed her true personality, she did not possess a way of speaking as pretentiously as she made it look.

"I'm sorry Ingrid, but it's the truth," Frey answered bluntly.


"Yes ... Keil's Waifu level is very high" Nyos replied dismissively and nonchalantly.

"You ... unfortunate long ears ... I will make you know a fate worse than death"

A black mist was slightly spilling from Ingrid's mouth as two purple magic circles emerged from her hands, she was preparing her breath weapon along with two spells. On the other hand, Nyos team the rapier of her and prepared for the confrontation. Meanwhile, Frey took a few side steps to avoid confrontation.


As Zark thought about the best way to intervene, an inhuman creature spoke in a human-like tome, totally out of place with its appearance. Before this unnatural sound the imminent confrontation was stopped. Looking for the source of the sound, not having noticed its arrival, they saw a gleaming figure, strangely shaped.

With a height of 1.9m; his head was that of a bird of prey like that of an agila, he had a figure similar to a bipedal humanoid, dangerous claws as lethal as blades emerged from his hands and feet, from his back a pair of wings emerged which were flexed; its appearance was that of a humanoid agila, but the reality was that everything that was visible was made entirely of a golden material, from head to toe (including wings) everything was made of Orichalcum, a magical metal with an appearance similar to gold.

His eyes weren't really eyes, they were sparkling diamonds that were embedded in the place occupied by the eyes.

The metallic body of it was decorated with different Egyptian-style inscriptions, along with some bangles and bracelets.

On his hip was a Shenti, a male garment shaped like a short skirt, this was fastened with a golden belt with a buckle in the shape of a death beetle.

Attached to the belt were two Khopesh; U-shaped curved bladed sabers with a convex edge, one of the Khopesh was midnight blue, while the other gleamed a brilliant silver color.

Hidden from any gaze, inside this golden metal exoskeleton, was a being made up of bandages, dry skin and ancient bones; He did not have eyes, in the place where they should be found, there were only a pair of red flames that burned with a slight intensity.

Although impossible to recognize from the outside, what was inside was a Mummy, a mythical undead from an ancient civilization; but this was not just any kind of mummy, it was a Mummy warlord, his name was lost a long time ago, erased from any record to be forgotten.

In ancient times a formidable Warrior Pharaoh, now he is only known under the name of Horus, the guardian of the crypt and custodian of the catacombs of Damenburg Castle.

"Your little game of him has gone too far ..." Horus declared flatly.

"This little girl is deliberately provoking me ..."

"Hey, that's not true, I just ..."

Nyos and Ingrid stared at each other with intense, panicky glances.

Zark finally regained his composure and used a deliberately low tone of voice to give his warning “… .Ingrid, Nyos. Stop fighting immediately. "

Surprisingly they trembled, but they nodded their heads

"I am sorry!"

Zark nodded without much haste accepting his apology, then continued "You came, Horus."

"Upon receiving orders from Lord Zark, of course he would come immediately." As he spoke, Horus's facial expression did not change, this was obvious, what simulated his face was actually the helmet of his exoskeleton that served as skin.

Although his appearance did not show it, Horus belonged to the Warlord class. If Zark's generals were ranked by his use of weapons and command ability, it could be said that he would be among the best.

"Did my call interrupt any activity?" Zark asked politely, it would be unfortunate if his unexpected reunion provoked some form of disgust.

"Not really, I was just checking the current state of the troops in the catacombs."

"Excuse me for interrupting, thanks for doing a good job."

"I appreciate it, his words motivate me to continue my work" at that moment, Horus's gaze changes position and goes towards the entrance of the amphitheater "It seems that Andru and Keil have arrived"

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